I have 2x 400w 10k Lums with 10k Reefflux lamps, these are run for 8 hours per day. also i have 2 x 55 t5 blue
Ozone is used 3 times per week
My calcium reactor is the only way i add calcium to the tank, this is run 24/7.
I dont use any additives apart from Magnesium and a little iodine.
Stock fish wise are as follows
1x lion fish antenetta
3 x Anthias
2 x Tomato clowns
3 x chalk Bass
1 x Royal gramma
1x Yellow Tang
1x Kole Tang
1x Scopas Tang
2 x Wrasse
1x goby
1x Hawkfish
2 x Green chromis
1 x Mandarin
1 x Copperband
1 x Regal Angel
1 x Flame Angel.