My 230 Sps Tank


New member
Thought id post a few pics of my tank .. I have loads more colour than my crappy pics show which is well annoying ...


Tank at 18 months old
Great looking tank and great colors! Love that Catalaphyllia and the Regal is gorgeous. Is that a pair of Borbonus Anthias?

How about telling us a little about how you run the tank - params maintenance, etc.? Always interested in what's going on across the pond. :cool:
Well ive ran the tank really for 17 months without a skimmer
had one on the tank but it did nothing at all.

Sinse these pics were taken ive added a skimmer that works and the tank is really coming backl to life.

Nitrate is 25ppm not perfect at all but i aim to bring that down ... now i have a skimmer it will almost certainly help.
I have 2x 400w 10k Lums with 10k Reefflux lamps, these are run for 8 hours per day. also i have 2 x 55 t5 blue

Ozone is used 3 times per week

My calcium reactor is the only way i add calcium to the tank, this is run 24/7.

I dont use any additives apart from Magnesium and a little iodine.

Stock fish wise are as follows

1x lion fish antenetta
3 x Anthias
2 x Tomato clowns
3 x chalk Bass
1 x Royal gramma
1x Yellow Tang
1x Kole Tang
1x Scopas Tang
2 x Wrasse
1x goby
1x Hawkfish
2 x Green chromis
1 x Mandarin
1 x Copperband
1 x Regal Angel
1 x Flame Angel.
Very do the Copperband and Regal angel do with your corals, especially the Cat? How long have you had them and what do you feed?
He prefers the green stuff he's always first in the que for dried nori, also i add kent marine algae pellets and New era algae flake also twice a day i add Ocean nutrition Formula Two Marine algae pellets.
Ive had him roughly 2 months

He eats most of the above but does ocasionally go for Frozen food.
Also this morning i woke to see my scoly with a few holes in the top part, Cant prove its him let as i also have a Copperband and the Flame angel ... But its going to take alot for me to part with the Regal ..stunning!!
Well it's the copperband thats the culprit seen him last night.

Nothing has touched the Cat and they dont show any signs of nipping either