My 235 Gallon Corner Bow-Front Build

Thank you. Yes, It's in my living-room, so I wanted to get it as quiet as possible. Along with the "Herbie", it is practically silent! Actually the only thing you can hear is that Highly overpriced MP-60...

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I just put a light sandbed in it, and now the MP60 is blowing it away. And I got it turmed all the way down. Might need to get rid of either the mp or the sand bed...
Or you could put down a layer of heavier pieces of rubble just in the MP60's immediate path to keep the lighter sand in place.

Very nice build and very organized !!

The only thing i would have done is paint the side walls. So you wouldn´t have to see the Mp60 cable.

Would it only be FOWLR or are you gonna put some corals in ?
Very nice build and very organized !!

The only thing i would have done is paint the side walls. So you wouldn´t have to see the Mp60 cable.

Would it only be FOWLR or are you gonna put some corals in ?
I love corner tanks... I have a lil sibling of yours (92c) I always thought if I upgraded it would have to be to another corner tank, but I didnt know how big they come. Now that's a tank!! What are its dimensions? Was it custom made or a standard size for a large corner?

Thanks for sharing, you've inspired me to hold off on a rectangular upgrade.

You can post in the Corner Club, plenty of people w corner tanks would love input from you and to see this!
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Yes Bernie, It was custom built. I shopped around, I got quotes from $1800 all the way to $15,000! The dimensions on the tank are 48" deep 30" high. The "Bow" is about 7'-8'.
3/4" Acrylic sides. 1/2" front, top, & Bottom.