My 240 Gallon Reef Build

Is there any secret trick to getting treaded PVC to not leak? I had a terrible time. I tried teflon tape... first a little, then a lot... always pressed tight into the threads. No matter what I did, I still got leaks. Most of the time they were very slow drips, but still leaks. I ended up tearing everything down and using aquarium silicone smeared into the threads. It has now been dry for the last few days. Has anyone else done this and will I run into any problems down the road. It would be best to re-do it now if I have to, rather than wait until it is loaded with saltwater and livestock.

I would like to be confident in my setup before I start to fill the tank with RO water. This will hopefully happen this weekend.
Your space seems to be working out perfect for that size of tank. So tell me how much of a factor was having the perfect tank spot when you were house hunting? If it was me I would be like "but dear even though it is on a busy street next to a toxic waste site you have to admit that den would be perfect for my tank." :)
fishyheaven - The tank was made by T.e.n.e.c.o.r. in AZ.

fredknack -

The house was in complete disarray when we bought it. The basement was half finished, but it was chopped up into a lot of little rooms. Knowing that the house needed a lot of work anyway, we were able to pick it up very cheap. Since I was planning on going through every room anyway, I figured that moving and removing a few walls and putting in a hard ceiling downstairs wasn't that big of a deal. When that room started out it was 20 x 14 with a 7 foot celing, now it is 20 x 24' with an 8' 3" ceiling. Since my wife was understanding, she let me 'modify' the house to fit the size of the tank I wanted.

Hopefully, I can get some more pics up this weekend, my stand is stained and ready for polyurethane, and the aquarium has saltwater in it.
I like that way that works out. Make the house fit the tank rather than the tank fit the house. Good luck with the progress!
I figure it that was your builder, i am actually looking at the same builder. did you get the upgrade wall to the thicker acrylic? thats the part that is making me crazy!

thanks for your help! cant wait for your new pics!!
I did not know if you got your plumbing leak problem fixed but i have been told that the teflon paste works a lot better than the the regular teglon tape.
Is your closed loop plumbed thorugh the bottom? I can't see where it is plumbed through the back.

I can't wait to see this when it is done.

I am starting to plan for the same size tank in the wall, but wasn't sure about having some of it stick out so it could be viewed from the sides.
A few more questions:

1. How high did you make your stand?
2. Do you have any pictures from the side, so I can see what it looks like not having it flush?
3. With the distnace between the top of the tank and the sheetrock, it looks like you are going to have a tall canopy, is that correct?

Sorry if I am asking too many questions. This is the exact plan I have for mine and just want to learn as much as I can.

Everything is looking great too!!!!