My 24g NC build

Laz A

In Memoriam
I bought a 24g Nano with the 150w HQI hood running a 14k bulb, and the back center modded for a fuge (has cheato in it with 2 9w 6.5k fluorescents on it). Also has a surface skimmer and loc line on the return with an upgraded return pump.

I currently have 20 lbs of sand (agra alive), about 25ish lbs of rock (im guessing, bought 40 lbs to have shapes to work with). I got 3 snails (turbos?) and a blue legged hermit as hitchhikers.
I have the light setup to run from 5pm-11pm, and a heater set to 80 degrees for the day time.

I have quite a few small red dusters and about the same amount of small white dusters on the rocks as well (Ive seen about 10-15 of each).

I used NSW from ***** although theyre not open **** told me to come by and with $10 I got 25g of water, the small light fixture for the cheato, and the cheato. They (him and Christian) were real nice in hooking me up without me even saying anything and dont seem like the types to sell you anything they possibly can to take your cash, I will definately shop there first for anything Im looking for. THey also apparently know Mel, Joe, and Roger from I got out of our hour and a half conversation heh.

Anyways, my Parameters as of yesterday are (this was taken as soon as I put in water and LR):

PH: 7.8-7.9
SG: 1.027
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Temp: Between 79 - 82 (thats atleast what I observed yesturday including when the lights were on)

I'm using Aquarium Pharmasuticals tests and a hydrometer tested for accuracy against a refractometer at Exotic Aquariums

I also noticed 2 little critters in the tank and I would like an ID if possible please.
One (which I only saw one of on my sand bed) is a thin worm like thing that was about 1/4 inch long and was red/orange with a black band around the center of its body.
The other (which I see like 4-5 attached to a rock in the bottom of the tank) is a pale yellowish white thing that is about the size of (in length and diameter) a real puffy big grain of rice, they dont move at all just are attached to the rock).

I plan on putting in a damsel by monday to help with my cycling if the water tests dont come out way out of control.

Heres the tank today


The little white thing I was talking about you can see very faintly right in the middle of the picture (couldnt get a pic of the worm thing cause my point & shooter cant focus on it)


I will keep posting as things change and I take more tests.
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There was a piece of sponge attached to one or two of the rocks... there may be a stray zoa or two as well... it could be either of those things.. As far as the worms go they are filter feeders and will not bother anything - i promise...

good luck with the rocks everything looks good so far.
the little rice things hang though... its attached at one end and the other end has a spout like opening but I dont see it move unless the water moves it.
Iim sorry Mel, after I got home and settled down it was kinda late and I didnt wanna call then. Thanks for calling me back though :P. I was a bit worried about the temp in the tank but once I set it up it doesnt seem to pass 82 at the highest which makes me extremely happy since I dont need a chiller :P. I cant wait to go through my cycle and add some live stock!
Thanks again for the deal on the tank. BTW I dont know if you read about my stop at Ricardo's store... real stand up guy from what Ive seen. He says hes gone diving with you.
I have NO idea on what my CUC should consist of or how many of each critter. Id definately like to have a star in the mix if my tank size and sand amount ( 20 lbs) can keep him fed. Id also like them in asap if theyd stay alive to help with algae and diatom blooms.

I posted a possible suggestion of the mix I thought up here

I have no idea if that even works lol.
no damsels, maybe add a chromis if you want a hardy fish. at least you'll have no problem with new fish once the chromis is in there. The damsel you'll have to get rid of, which is a waste and unfair to it since it's your fault it was taken out of the ocean to begin with, and now you don't want and don't need it anymore.
Today I tested my parameters again and they are as follows:
NO2: .10 ppm
NO3: 15 ppm
Ammonia: .75 ppm
PH: 7.8 (still)
Temp range: 78-82.5
The temp is swinging way too much. I was wondering if theres any mod I can try instead of resorting to a chiller since the temp doesnt seem to hit 83.
For some reason I also lost 1 of the 3 snails that came as hitch hikers. Crab and the other 2 astreas are still kicking though...
I also seem to be accumulating a white looking dust on my rock and back wall of the tank... how can i get rid of it? (its not algae or anytrhing just seems like dirt or poop or something).

Im also thinking I may buy 2 korelia 2s like you guys suggested :P
I noticed my tank goes from 80 degrees when the lights are off to almost 83 when theyre on with the feeding lid open. That seems to be pushing the limit to me, however, I dont want to spend 300 on a chiller and then have that noise going on in my room... any other suggestions I can try before having to buy a chiller and move the tank out of my room? :(
I thought about a fan blowing at the water since the temp drop doesant have to be too bad, but I dont know where to put it since the lighting takes up almost the entire hood. Anyone that can help please lemme know!!!
On a good note tho, it seems my snails and crab are doing good, I may add a b/g chromis by monday if my water doesnt go way out of control.
Actually now that Im looking at my tests I just ran:
Nitrates: 20ppm
Nitrites: .25 ppm
Ammonia : .85ish? (getting closer to matching 1ppm in color)
PH: still about 7.8

The rocks in my tank that were once completely purple in some areas seem to be getting white spots. I guess that means Im losing the coralline on em? I dont understand why since I do have them on a pretty decent light schedule ( 4pm-11pm, sometimes theyre on an hr or 2 early). I dont think it would be the calcium cause nothing but the rocks coralline is using it up.

Also, would having the fuge light on for 18 hr days make the cheato consume more nitrates? Or does it not matter so much?

Well, I tested my parameters again tonight cause yesterdays were too good to be true for a tank that is a week old today... it seems so far they are true. It may be that Im using LR that all came from a 2+ yr old established tank, and NSW.

Ammonia: SIGHTLY darker than the 0 ppm (definately less than .25)
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 30 ppm
Ph: 7.8-7.9 and holding steady

Only thing Im a bit upset about is that for some reason my rocks avalanched. The bottom rocks didnt move much but the top half definitely went all over the place :(. Tomorrow Ill redo the rockwork and I will probably be adding a fish to help complete the cycling.
Laz Im glad to here and see that you got your tank. If you need any help or pointers, let me know, remember that Im a hop & a skip away. Looks good so far. I would definitely look into a fan, maybe some of thos computer ones or a clip on one, 83 deg is a little on the high side for a reef tank, but I have seen hotter (not recommended).
yesterday I bought some bio spira and some chemi pure and ran home and put both in the tank. Now when I come home today at first it seemed like the fish were swimming a bit different... better it seemed but theyre still breathing kinda fast. I then noticed what to me seems like the males fins getting a bit better.
I ran a test for my parameters and found ammonia and nitrites at 0, nitrates at 20.

I then fed them to see if I got a response and I can say I saw the male eat a couple pellets for sure. The female I think i saw eat once but couldnt catch her again so I have to check again tomorrow.

I also see quite a few little white specs, some look like snails and some others look like little white dots with legs or tentacles or some kind of little stringy things coming out of all sides, I cant give a better discription because theyre all about the size of a grain of sand. I also find what I think are copepods or isopods hanging out by a hole on a rock (i hope theyre all good creatures). The pod looking things look like rollie pollies/ bedbugs/ those little dirt bugs that roll up into a ball, except theyre a translucent white color kinda.

I hope I can catch the female eating tomorrow and I hope all those little critters are a good sign.
Are the white specs that are about the size of a grain of sand attached to the fish? I had a run-in with ich in one of my freshwater tanks a few months ago and the best way I could describe it at the beginning was specs of salt sprinkled on the fish. I am probably wrong, but just trying to help you out!

Good to see the amm and ites are at 0! Hopefully I will be there shortly. I am thinking about the bio-spira move as well.