My 300 gallon find!


New member
I was looking at the ads on craigslist about a week ago and found what was said to be a 400 gallon tank. So I contacted them wanting to know more about this. She said it was her husbands and she had got a divorce from him and he was long gone and just left the tank there. She was asking 800 for the whole setup and just wanted it gone and out of the way. I went Saturday to look at it and turns out it's a 300 gallon not a 400. I didn't show much interest and left 10 min later. I called her that night and asked what would she really take? She said she would take 400 for the setup. I ended up talking her down to 250. Pictures are not the best. I will post more when I get it home. Comes with 300 gallon tank drilled, BIG mh light, stand 75 gallon sump, skimmer, Kent ro, pluming, sand and coral insert


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