My 300 Gallon Nightmare!!!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7081988#post7081988 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MX6import
All I have to say is AMAZING so far. I'm watching this thready closely because I would like to do a similar wall lay out with my 65 Show tank. how did you get all of the rock to stay up on the wall like that.

The rock is simply stacked with the largest and heaviest pieces on the bottom and the lighter more fragile pieces on top. There was no design or thought other than wanting to cure the rock fully before aquascaping.

Thanks for your kind comments and if I can answer any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Awesome :D How is your cycle going? What the prams so far? Just cerious. I can't wait to see what you tank looks like when you start quascaping, awesome job!! To bad you live so far away i would love to come check out your tank lol
Richard, it is really tough to compare or measure up against Steve Weast's tank because it is 84" front to back. Pretty much one of a kind, at least in my book. <b>Your plan sounds excellent</b>, and I didn't mean to make you repeat yourself regarding your intentions to sell off the excess. I'd read that in your prior posts, and was just teasing you about your full tank.

It's great to hear it is working out plumbing-wise, because I know you were worried about sump size and flow.
I was just on page 55 of Jeffbrigs thread when you chimed in. I have been spending all night reading his thread. Very interesting stuff.

I admire you guys that can really get your hands dirty and come up with fixes on the fly not to mention building stuff from scratch. Despite many efforts and a lot of desire, I simply can't seem to be able to do this stuff myself. Quite honestly, its a little embarrasing. I am actually very good at research, vision, design and managing a project, but not very good at actually putting stuff together. Thank goodness I have the sense to leave this stuff to professionals.

Tested for Ammonia and Nitrites today, 0's on both. I will be pulling the rock out next week, scaping the tank and adding sand by the end of the week.
rberrie, when I look back through my own tank thread, I'm amazed at how well some of the things I did turned out. I'm a firm believer that DIY'ing isn't so much a skill as it is a matter of having the right tools, the drive, and the ability to fix things when (not IF) you screw up. I had plenty of opportunities to "practice" doing other home improvement projects before I tackled the tank project.

BTW, I don't think I specifically mentioned it before, but I love the way that entertainment center turned out. As you can see looking at my tank, I prefer stands that look like furniture and blend with their surroundings.

Marc, if it makes you feel better, I've read just about every page of your thread (and that's quite a feat), even though I lose it for a few weeks each time it splits.
I wanted to list the fish that I plan on keeping in this tank. I am very interested in informed comments and suggestions.

From my 54gallon corner reef tank:
Pair of Gold Stripe Maroon Clowns
Pair of Hippo tangs
Niger trigger
Yellow Tang

From my 90G Reef:
Grey angel
Moorish Idol

New additions:
Pink Tail Trigger
Purple Tang
Copperband Butterfly
Scott's Fairy Wrasse
Flasher Wrasse
Blonde Naso
Redcheek and or Lyretail Anthias 6-8
Blue Lined Dottyback
Royal Dottyback
Brazilian & Royal Gramma
Pajama Cardinal 5-7
True Perculas mated pair
Randalls shrimp goby
Raifords Goby
Neon Goby 3-5
Purple Firefish
Possibly a Sohal Tang
Possibly an Annularis Angel

My attitude is that I am willing to take some risks in order to have fish that I really love. So far, I have not had any problems with the Grey Angel eating any coral. Nor the Moorish Idol, certainly not the niger. I think that if you keep them well fed thaey will lay off the corals.

I have a small harlequin tusk that I have had for almost a year now. I would love to have him in my large tank. But he is known to eat my shrimp and I don't want to risk his eating my clams.
Richar, what type of corals are you planning to keep? My only potential concern is that you have 9 "big" fish listed plus two more listed as possibilities. You may find it a challenge to keep water quality high enough to get good colors from acropora with that much bioload. In my similarly sized tank, I'm trying to keep it to 4-5 "big" fish, plus a bunch of smaller ones. But I'll be the first to admit, I generally fall on the conservative side when it comes to stocking.
I think that you're going to run into a problem with the perculas and maroons in the same tank, I would do the perculas in this tank and leave the marroons in another tank. If you do the sohal it will definitely have to be the last fish in.
I plan on 70% sps, 20% soft and 10% lps. I certainly want my corals to thrive and color up to their greatest potential. I will reconsider my stocking load. I would rather remove some of the smaller fish than one of the larger. I also plan on having a very large cleanup crew, I hope this helps.

I have had the Gold Stripes for quite a while and they are my favorites. I was hoping that having a relatively large tank would be safe enough to house both pair with two anemones, one rose bubble tip and one other to be determined.

By the way, where have you been? Give me call when you get a chance. I need your opinions on a few matters.
I noticed in the pics you are using a spectra pure auto top off sensor. You should attach it to a mag float to hold it in place as to not rely on suction cups, easy and cheap way to aviod a catastrophe. Your set up is truly amazing ......hat's off to your planning....happy reef keeping
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7097034#post7097034 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rberrie

I have had the Gold Stripes for quite a while and they are my favorites. I was hoping that having a relatively large tank would be safe enough to house both pair with two anemones, one rose bubble tip and one other to be determined.

By the way, where have you been? Give me call when you get a chance. I need your opinions on a few matters.

I tried the same, I had a gold stripe and loved it and later added my pair or true perculas. They had their own anemones and were opposite ends of the tank. They got along just fine for months, when the maroon was old enough it would contiuously go to the other side harass them, grab them by the fins and thras them around and I thought it was going to kill them. I got rid of the maroon months ago and just yesterday I noticed that my percs have eggs. Maroons are the worst of any clowns so I just don't want you to have to try and catch one in that tank 6 months down the road.
I'll try and call you tomorrow.
I hate to be a bother, but could you post some pics of your new aditions?

I know a lot of people--including myself ;) -- would like to see the update :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7103458#post7103458 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alien9168
I hate to be a bother, but could you post some pics of your new aditions?

I know a lot of people--including myself ;) -- would like to see the update :)


Not much to report since Thursday...a little impatient are we???:p

Tested for Ammonia and nitrite 0 & 0. But I think the rock is still cycling. The water is a little hazy right now. We added 250 blue legged hermit crabs to help with the cleanup of the rock and a little hair algae that grew when the rock was curing outdoors.

I am seeing a whole lot of what look like amphepods. They are tiny white bugs that are swimming in the water column, on the glass and congregating on the bare bottom of the tank. They look like salt grains if not smaller. If anyone has any other ideas as to what they are, I would love to hear from you. They are too small for me to capture on camera. Also, my tank is a bowfront and extremely hard if not impossible to clearly take a photo.

We hooked up the litermeter dosing pump for additional 2 part calcium if needed, the phosphate reactor and ozone. We also spent a lot of time getting the Aquacontroller to work properly and to control the actuated ball valve. Spoke to Ken at Neptune Systems more than a few times to get it right. Very complicated procedure but it seems to work.

Here are some more photos. Check out the skimmer! Pulling tons of gunk out of a relatively clean system. No livestock and coral is pretty much cured. The skimmer is a Reef Concepts Aerofoamer 830. It does not have an attached collection cup. The collection cup is at the bottom of the cabinet under the skimmer. The top part of the skimmer acts just like a neck...well it is the neck, and the skimmate is siphoned down to the collection cup with an auto shutoff when full. Holds about a gallon of skim. Already dumped two full containers of nasty gunk.

All the wires you see comming from the Aquacontroller will all be tie wrapped and neatly tucked away once we are done messing with it. I know how all of you are dissappointed with the mess considering how much time and effort went into the plumbing and overall layout.




Blue legged hermit crabs going to work!

Cool skimmer.

I dont think I have ever seen a skimmer work like that. It's a really inovative design.

I bet it works well! :)

is it just me, or is your bioload kind of high, even for a 250 gallon? maybe i'm wrong... but you have a lot of fish there... i'm kind of new, and have zilch experience with HUGE tanks like this... just curious?

looks awesome, i really love the setup! i saw this thread about a month ago, and then lost it! i'm so glad i found it again!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7107448#post7107448 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jet_jer
rberrie -
Impressive to say the least! Good luch with it.


Thank you sir. I appreciate your interest. Stay tuned.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7107950#post7107950 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Charlie97L
is it just me, or is your bioload kind of high, even for a 250 gallon? maybe i'm wrong... but you have a lot of fish there... i'm kind of new, and have zilch experience with HUGE tanks like this... just curious?

looks awesome, i really love the setup! i saw this thread about a month ago, and then lost it! i'm so glad i found it again!

You are correct. My dream list is a high bioload for this size tank. I have been fairly lucky pushing the limits of fish and coral in the past and I hope with a much better setup and working much more slowly, that I can maintain a larger community of specimens. The key is proper introduction (allowing smaller weaker fish to acclimate and locate safe territory first), large and diverse cleanup crews, aggressive waste export, frequent water changes and luck.

In my 54 corner I have the following fish:
Niger trigger 4"
Yellow Tang 4"
Maroone Clown pair 3"
Harlequin Tusk (small) 3"
Hippo Tangs pair 4"
Hoevens Wrasse 2"
Rockskipper Blenny 2"
Neon Goby 1"
Dottyback 1"
Flame Angel 2"
Pink spotted goby 2"

Thats 13 fish in a 54G! All of the fish except for the Dottyback have been in the tank for over 9 months. None of the fish were over 2" when I introduced them to the tank.

I have had more than a reasonable number of fish die due to incompatibility or sickness. Not to mention pushing the limit too far. But I learned that once you have a stable community of fish, even if it is large, they will acclimate and do well.

The 54G has a rediculously poor setup without a chiler, a poorly operating skimmer, a tiny sump, submersible pumps, poor water circulation, etc. I also overfeed the fish. The tank has gotten upto 85 degrees and still the fish are doing well. I am certainly not proud of this situation and I am not confessing my sins to prove how poorly one can maintain a tank and still get results. My point is that I have learned what not to do and I hope to have corrected many if not all of the faults in my new tank.

After saying all that, I still feel that I can (want) manage a higher than recommended bioload. My number one priority however is to provide these wonderful fish a new home that will give them a much better environment before adding any new specimens. I will be breaking down my other two tanks over the course of the year and introducing the fish to their new home. They certainly deserve it.

Thanks for your input and I hope that your venture into the world of Marine Aquaria is as enjoyable as mine has been.