Fish Residents
Fish Residents
OK...This is the list of fish so far. The notes are the size and how long I have had the fish in one of two other tanks.
Grey Angel 5-6" (6 months)
Moorish Idol 4-5"(6 mnonths)
Niger Trigger 4-5" (1 Year)
Hippo Tangs X 2 3-4" (1 year)
Maroone Gold Stripe 3" (1 year)
New Residents:
Blonde Naso Tang 3"
Scott's Fairy Wrasse 2-3"
Copperband Butterfly 2"
Royal Gramma Basslet 1"
Helfrichi Firefish 1"
I also introduced a whole mess of snails, crabs, stars, shrimp, cucumbers, Nudibranches, etc.
Comming soon!
Purple Tang 3-4"
Yellow Tang 3-4" (1 year)
Red Velvet wrasse
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Labouti's Fairy Wrasse
Resplendent Anthias X 4 (1 male & 3 females