My 320 Gallons Build


Ok, more like 317 Gallons. I'm planning to build a 94"x30X26" fish tank.

Before I proceed with the build, I want to reflect on some of my previous fishtank.

My first saltwater fishtank was in 2005.

Then in 2006 I upgrade to a 240 Gallons.




Then a tragedy hit me in 2008, went on a business trip and my kallawaser dump it content into the sump and in turn cause my skimmer to overflow into the drain. Then my topoff fill it with fresh water. By the time I get home, my saltwater tank is basicly a fresh water tank. I was surprise that all of my fish survive but not most of my corals didnt. So happen a few month later my daughter have asthma also, so I decide to call it quit.

A year went by and I have the itches for a fish tank again. I didnt want to commit to all the headache again so I decided to go with fresh water.



Youtube of my fresh water tank.

But freshwater never did it for me so I sold my freshwater tank and now thinking of getting back into a saltwater tank. I want to do it right this time. Build it the size I alway wanted and using the best equipments.

So the road lead me back to saltwater once again, last attempt. :facepalm:
New Fishstand build by a local welder. Giving it a test run. The actuator could raise or lower it by 1 1/2 feet up or down. It is kinda slow but it would work for me since the only time I need to raise it, is when i'm cleaning the tank.
I watched that Discus tank at least 10 times over the years. I really like it.


Thanks Bao. Discus was fun for awhile. The other problems I have with discus is that making the beefheart mixture with a pain in the rear. I also have to store blackworm in the fridge which my wife doesn't appreciate too much.

Glad to hear you are getting back into saltwater. Do you remember meeting me and my dad 6 or 7 years ago when we did the tank tour around different peoples houses and went to different LFS as well? My dad was the one with the Porsche.
ok, get 4 of this babies from Ebay. Will have a friend to cut it in half to give me a total of eight heatsink out of it.

I watched that Discus tank at least 10 times over the years. I really like it.



Glad to hear you are getting back into saltwater. Do you remember meeting me and my dad 6 or 7 years ago when we did the tank tour around different peoples houses and went to different LFS as well? My dad was the one with the Porsche.

Yea, I vaguely do. Miss the old time.
Ok, Heatsink is cut in half and fan mounted on it. Just need to do it for the other 7 seven.


BTW, sorry about the messy desk. In the process of removing my office closet to prepare for the fishtank equipment closet.
This is going to be one crazy build. Seen some of the equipment already. His sump is bigger than my tank......:hmm3:


Ok, sorry for the delay but was a little busy with work.
Finish up with stand and getting the LEDS started.




Here is my stand all skinz.
