My 400 gallon system questions?


Active member
I am getting ready to build a wall with a 300 gallon display system. The tank will be 96x30 widex24 high. It will be viewable form both sides, my office and formal living room. I was going to use my 75 gallon as a sump but might make something bigger. I am making a calcium, phosban, and carbon reactor. Not sure about the skimmer I might start out with a diy or just spend the money there. I am going to try and put a sink in and also planning for ventilation with the lighting system. I am not sure how to do the fuge. I want to put it higher so it will gravity feed to tank. It will most likely have a DSB. I really like the profillux 2 controller but might wind up with an aqua controller. Well see how the funds hold up.

Here is something I have been thinking about. I would like to have some decent rock ready for the tank. I figure I could by some base and some cured rock to seed it. I wanted to pickup some base rock and start cooking it before I start on the wall. I have 2 tanks that I can get some of my salt water from on WC’s. I was thinking about buying a little plastic kiddie pool and hooking it up with a couple pumps I have. Now here is my question? Can I leave the pool outside and let the sun get to it with out lights. I am sure there might be more evaporation. Any ideas or thoughts on this? I can also put it on my patio so it doesn’t get too much light all day.

Since I am going to do this while I am purchasing the equipment for the tank and building the wall, I want to try and get this going the cheapest way so I can really spend my money on the rest of the equipment. I really don’t want my tank to be too full of rock. I like the open look with plenty of room for the fish to swim. I was thinking about starting of with 100lbs of base and 100lbs of cured. I was also going to get some south down sand and put it in the tub as well and 40lb of live sand to put to establish things.

I finally have a 2 month break form traveling but have 3 week class at the end of July. So I would like to have the base rock already starting to cure and maybe water in the tank for the cycle, before I leave. I am in no rush to start buying fish or corals. I really want to take my time and set this tank up right. I will have separate QT. I do not want to kill any fish from my impatience. I have some fish from my 75 gallon that I will introduce very slowly. While things are becoming moiré stable in the reef I can finish thing in my predator tank. I am going to give them my old 75 so I can have the 55 for QT or fuge or something. That should keep me busy so I can monitor how the big tank goes.

So here are my questions?

1. Having base rocks seeded outside with natural sunlight?
2. If I start off with 50/50 base/live rock is that enough?
3. Put the sand in so it can start as well??
1. Having base rocks seeded outside with natural sunlight?
>>> why seed it it will happen on its own in the tank
2. If I start off with 50/50 base/live rock is that enough?
>>> I would go almost all base rock and just a few live. They all look the same after 6 months
3. Put the sand in so it can start as well??
>>> thats fine
1. You know I just thought putting all that base rock in a tub so I dont get a major cycle??? I forgot I am not buying all live so Base aded to the system wont affect it duhh. I think I will start off with 100 lbs base ans 5o lbs cured and go from there.
2. Got you..
3. On the sand If I put it in a tub with live sand. Will the sand need light? Does it need the light for the bacteria to grow nad spread through the rest of the sand?

Thanks for your help...
The Marcorock dry rock that I purchased is fantastic stuff, but it still needed significant curing. I had to change the water several times and run a filter for a couple weeks. At first the entire garage smelled so bad my family wanted to leave town. So, plan on some significant cure time and use live rock and light to speed up the action. To seed the live sand, just get a few cups from a fellow Reefer with a well established DSB. Thats all you need, and time of course.
I get back in town next weekend and I ma going to start getting the rock going.. get some base and see if i can find some lr around town. I need to figure out what i am going to do about my tank and get moving..

Yeah thats the truth. If I can make half the progree you have I will be happy. I am going ot order my tank from glass cages 1400 96l30w24h with saphire front and back panels and an overflow on each side. I will get a post going soon..Maybe Ill just use this one. I am going to pick it up the the end of next month. I need to start on the stand and make a wall. I gota say it again your setup is sweet.............
Nice plans....

For the curing I would use a large poly foam stocktank, I used a 100 gallon one and it is strong and has worked out perfect $69
I love these things

For a 300 gallon system I would use a sump larger than 75 gallons... Perhaps another stock tank 100 or a 150... The Sumps only "REQUIRMENT" of course is to catch the overflow in a shut down or failure but I find that I like the additional security of the larger sump.

Looking forward to following this
Thanks.. I have a tractor supply right by my house and htey have them in stock. I am going to pick one up this weekend and fill it with saltwater. And start looking for rock..