My 55 Gallon build thread

all fish seem to be accounted for and they are all eating and look happy still. no stringy white poop and stomachs look fat. looking good so far.
So here it is, time for a photo dump! Lol, first here are the frags I got at the FMAS frag swap this past Saturday.

Goldmeister Chalice

Orange Pavona

Watermelon/Rainbow Mille

Forest Fire Digi

I also got a speckled green & purple hammer, not pictured. I also picked up some frags from some friends in the past

Hawkins Echinata (came out kind of green when its blue lol) dam white balance lol

WWC Pink Krakatoa

Purple Tarantulas

Sunny Ds

Here's a pic of my frag rack

What kind of lighting is that. Looks psychedelic, LOL! You should come and take pics of my SunnyD colony. I can't get that glow in the camera. Nice frags :D
What kind of lighting is that. Looks psychedelic, LOL! You should come and take pics of my SunnyD colony. I can't get that glow in the camera. Nice frags :D

Thanks! I use "full spectrum" Chinese LEDs. LOL, my photos are from my Nikon L620 camera with the white balance adjusted to correct the windex blue effect of the LEDs. you can take great pics with almost any camera that allows you to adjust the white balance. Thanks to Richard Back and Cadu Gauch, I've learned how to take better pics.
time for some update shots, random corals. More will follow soon.

Candy Apple Red

Devil's Armour

King Midas


Setosa which is flicking me off lol

Red Planet

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Well, time to part ways with this little reef tank. I'm upgrading to a 75 gallon aquarium this weekend lol. how I love getting my self into doing more work lol.
Lesson learned, do not leave corals out of the water for extended periods of time. My Ponape birdsnest tissue receded a little and I basically lost my yellow highlighter acro. Then again, I didn't check the alkalinity with the new water I used and it was raised slightly. I guess that's the price you pay when you risk it and do not check parameters. Well so far everything appears well and all the fish transferred over nicely. No ammonia and I also used new sand. Pics coming soon and a video to follow as well.
Well the tank has been torn apart and everything is gone....... Into my new 75 gallon aquarium! LOL I bought cadugauch's tank and now, I have a much wider more beautiful setup in my opinion. pics will be posted soon.
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Well the tank has been torn apart and everything is gone....... Into my new 75 gallon aquarium! LOL I bought cadugauch's tank and now, I have a much wider more beautiful setup in my opinion. pics will be posted soon.

cant wait to see pics, your previous build was impressive :beer:
Well here are some photos I took on my phone doing the upgrade, sorry for the crappy quality but its better than nothing lol.

took off my LEDs to clean them of dust and to mount on the new canopy

Nice and clean

Mounted in the new canopy

Finished Product

Mounted with Home Depot Brackets

Luckily I had help from my good friend and LFS store employee, he helped me with the really hard work of picking up the tank and bringing it in to my place.

Also had some help from my beautiful wife, she helped so much, I'm a lucky guy. She supports my hobby and enjoys it as well.

Here she is scooping up my fish to acclimate them into the new tank

Here's the aquascape I created after I added the new 60 pounds of Caribsea Fiji Pink sand

Here's an FTS. I promise I will have better pics soon, sorry for the Windex effect lol

Left Side

Right Side

Here's some pics of my sump, it's simple but should be effective.

Drain into the filter sock

Reef Octopus NWB110 Skimmer

Here's my 18 watt UV and ATO system. I soft plumbed the return for now, I needed to transfer everything and didn't really want to waste time cutting tubes and pvc, so it works and it cost me $5 to do since I had the hose from my previous build lol

Big thanks to Got Corals for the lamp for my refugium and the big ball of chaeto they got me.

Chaeto ball and Heater

Picked up these two nice pieces from Got Corals

Neon Green Monti

Green Hammer with purple tips

Thanks Got Corals, These are beautiful corals like all the ones I get from you guys!
Now for some fish pics, I picked up a beautiful Lamarck Angel and this little guy has been doing great and eating like a beast.

In the club pic lol

Female Mandarin

My Melanurus Wrasse burrowed in the sand(I took this shot from under the tank in the stand lol)
