My 55 gallon Erectus tank


New member
This is home to 4 CB Erectus that are around a year old.

here are todays pictures....
Front view

Rear view

Finger leather, and 2 ponies Right side

2 types of singulara and Kenya tree left side

Prize green singulara middle of tank

Got shrooms?

Sun coral and 1 pony

Tank has been going since mid october, I am quite happy with its progress. I have a purple firefish, and a gold diamond goby in QT to add here some time in late FEB.

Simple set up. 55 gallons, 30 lbs live rock, XP3 canister filter (ive rock rubble and carbon) to a 1/10hp chiller. CPR hob refuge for pod growth and Cheato macro algea. Running a CPR Urchin HOB skimmer. Lighting is 4 29 watt 4ft T-5 bulbs and 1 VHO super Actinic.
Wow, your tank looks awesome. How do you like the Cpr? Is it noisy? I was thinking of adding one to my 45 gal, not sure though.
Nice tank! I like how peaceful it looks and natural. Hard to imagine that that is only 30 lbs. I just bought 20 and it is maybe half that. Not doubting you.... just saying from the type of rock I got, I got less.

Keep it up!

Ps- Sinularia.... not singularia:rollface:

The rock piles are hallow in the middle that was done by design to allow pods and pepermint shrimp a safe place to live.

It seems to be working, the horses spend hours waiting for one to adventure to close to an opening.

The Urchin is ok. for its size it is perfect, but some days it skims like mad, other I get nothing. I wish there was a better option, but so far it is working.