my 6 month reef


Active member
just wanted to share a few pics of my 125g reef @ 6 months :D

ill start off with a FTS or as far as i can back up without it getting blury

middle of tank

a step back

the left side

the right side
some purple zoanthids i picked up online recently

i got both these blue zoanthids and this green seamat online also

also picked up these cinnamon polyps from the same website

i lost these zoanthids a while back i found them buried in the rocks like 2 months ago and they were totally bleached but thev colored back nicley
Lookin great illal! I'm glad to hear that you found the ricordia too. That always happens, you lose a frag, and it ends up showing up in the randomest place at a totally random time. Oh well.
lol all i did was flip the original rock i placed it on over and it was right there! i looked all over thank but didnt think to look there lol im glad i found it too ;)