my acan/favia is growing some brown fungus


New member
See pic. tank params are good. first the the coral behind it turned white, I thought the acan stung it, then the acan now has the brown fungus growing on it. Any ideas what could be happening?

no other problems in the tank...

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
First off, you'll be better off asking this in the LPS forum. It definitely looks like it's been stung though. Get some flow on it an get rid of all the nasty.
Definitely looks like brown slime disease... the only way to treat it is to frag off the dead tissue, and do a iodine dip (preferably TMPCC)
Looks like brown jelly disease to me too, would try a iodine dip, the part that is covered will prob not make it but you can try & save the rest of's the flow where it's located?