My Acro Nursery

Reefvet - I do feed. Currently I am suffering from hair algae again so i have stopped Zeofood7, AA and Coral Vitalizer along with all other supplements except the basic Bac, Start, and Stones. But beyond this i try to feed newly hatched brine shrimp once to twice a week; however sometimes i might go weeks without. I also feed oyster feast about 3 ml every few weeks. I guess it really isnt much.
Interesting that you have the hair algae again. New plugs = introduction of algae or just high nutrient levels ?

I'm alway in that juggle of what to add. I don't run a Zeo system but I have used Pohls Xtra, Coral Vitalizer and Coral Booster. I've had little noticeable effect but recently I put in twice the Pohl's Xtra that is recommended and within minutes I had acros spewing strings of carbs. Clearly there are some simple sugars in that bottle.

Have you tried TLF AcroPower ?
I think the hair algae is from the RB treatment that sent the tank's equilibrium out of whack. I had dead pods and crabs that pushed my high nutrients even higher. I tried Acropower early on with zeo stones before i switched completely to Zeo supplements. At that time i was combining the use of acropower and V/V. The frags were small so there wasnt much to notice as far as effectiveness; but eventually i thought it to be safer to not mix additive makers and stuck with Zeo, especially when i started in with Zeobac. When my tank doesnt have HA, i use Xtra as well. I hear it supposed to darken the corals that become too pale. I wouldnt say my corals are too pale, but i wouldnt mind some richer colors.
Awesome thread. Glad to see others out there doing the opposite of whats conventional or not jumping on the newest trendy gadget. I was shown a certain way on how to take care of my tanks and it just works, simple as that. I know everybody says it but why fix it if it isn't broke. Agree with reefvet I believe said less is more with testing. I could say by experience my 1st 3-4 years I did no testing, what so ever. Only until I found out that the LFS did it for free. Then bought an established tank and one came with it. Gave up with out ever finding anything wrong even passing with straight A's with them testing it also.
Few things stood out if I could remember everything I thought of was, recently been told by 3+ people that everybody is going back to MH or T5's because their corals are just not producing under LED's. Also going back to shallow tanks like a 30L or 18'' tall or less. Some other info is weighing in on how growth mainly comes from deep low light from actinics. It was best described watching a video last night melvsreef youtube page on light schedule. I think but def his video for sure but he has his actinics on lets say 10hr to his MH's for 3-4hr. Which if you watch it, it really does make sense... At 1st I thought that's where all the color comes from but with my research it aids in the progression as well, tremendously. I don't believe the LED's have that capability nor to someone saying they don't have UV either. Do I remember correctly that I came across that T5 or MH disperse UV and helps with growth too? Ill see if I can remember who mentioned that to me....
I do have a few tanks with LED's on them and see a big difference between T5's for my LPS. Example: I had 2 toadstools in a 12 nano same size and thought to experiment to taking one out and putting it under the T5's 30L. Long story short the T5 had grown that one toadstool at least 2-3 times bigger than the one under LED!!! They seem to sustain the growth but not feed it what they need to grow. But then I have a 30 BioCube with the same LED on it and it has over 25 RBTA's and counting. Looking better than anybody's tank I see in the hobby around and they have the best of the best.... Heres the thing its a Marineland 24" Reef Capable LED... Yeah I know that's what everybody says. No way!!! Well I have plenty of proof, its always in the pudding. Just look at it.... Anywhos look forward to your seeing the outcome of your experiments. Hope to soon post some of mine once I figure this forum out.....
Thanks! As far as LEDs, you need to be really patient with those. I wasnt. To me MHs are bullet proof. I just have better luck going old school with sps. This one is another I got from Jrpdriver a year ago.

My tanks are full of growing healthy sps. They grow really fast along with the coraline. I believe together they simply eat a lot of Alk. I use a dual chambered calcium reactor that allows me good control for adding Alk; but I supplement the tank with Kalk during top off and powdered calcium weekly because my calcium is always on the low side at my current drip rate. Im careful not to use too much kalk powder in the kalk stirrer either. My water changes are done weekly and at only 4% of total volume each time.

I currently have stopped dosing anything specifically for colors because im trying to control an algae outbreak. When i do dose, they would be from the KZ family of supplements prescribed in the Zeo program. But like i mentioned in a previous post, im not sure if they do anything specific. Perhaps the supplements are not as effective because im have not reached an ULNS. I am currently not testing Fe or I2, but do test monthly for Potassium. It hovers between 300 and 400. But overall Sps colors are fickle and never static. Some change for the better and some for the worse.
Hawkins... Its been a little over a year since i got this frag. I didnt think the Hawkins would ever show polyps, but i finally see some. They are just peeking out. I tested ALK today and it is alarmingly low @ 6.0. I plan on upping my scoops of Kalk for top-off and increasing the drip rate of my Calcium reactor and hopefully let it climb back to 7.5.


Very Nice.

I missed this thread hiding here in the prop forum.
Love the progression shots.
Would you mind posting an equipment list? I saw the picture, but can't tell what everything is.
Smiles... All the equipment except for the lighting is shared by four tanks (90g, 40g, 40g(refugium), 25g). The equipment is as follows:

90 Gal - Giesemann Infiniti 250w hqi + 4x24w T5's (cheap no name 14k with no name blue t5s found on amazon), MP40, Jebao WP-60
40 Gal - Aqua Medic Ocean Light 1 X 250W (cheap 12k), MP40
25 Gal - Hamilton 150 HQI Bimini (cheap 14K), MP10
40 Gal Refugium - Home depot 12 watt led bulb, MP10

Shared equipment:
XP-2000 EXT Cone skimmer with Swabbie
Avast Marine Calcium Reactor + second effluent chamber, I also add powdered calcium to keep up with demand weekly
K1 Kalk Stirrer connected to a SpectraPure Ultra-Precise Liquid Level Controller
Jebao Doser for Vodka/Vinegar - 10ml daily
BRS Carbon media reactor - just added because the BRS Rox is too small for a bag in sump, change approximately 400ml per month
Avast Vibe for Zeolite, but i dont think its that effective at cleaning the rocks so I also put the zeolites in the sump with a bag and simply shake the bag every so often.
Neptune System

All of the tanks are full of SPS corals. Each tank has a different light spectrum and its interesting to see the color changes as I move pieces to different tanks as they continue to grow. What started out as a nursery is officially a wild uncontrollable garden. I am having to move corals daily to prevent them from touching each other. Its becoming quite frustrating. I never thought those little frags would get here. Here is the 90.
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