My Anthias eating nori


New member
My Anthias eat just about anything but what shocked me the most is the love they Have for nori and how much they clean up after tangs and angels.

In some cases if they don't see me they will eat of the clip.
My friend trigger will tear up some nori sheets. He them spits some out and everything else including his anthias eats it up.
They are a blast to watch :). How many of you have Draft Angels that exclusively like Nori. My Flame eats Nori and Spurline flakes nothing else.
That's awesome! I still need to meet up with you sometime, maybe in a couple months after I move. You still have any mats of gsp or the corky finger or is it all on rocks now?
My anthias grab the floating bits but my midas blenny actually tears from the clip along with my tang.