My build, only a 150 but looking forward to it


New member
I barely qualify for this category but I read this forum religiously and have learned alot. I was away from the hobby for quite a while. I was from back in the wet dry days! I had a couple tanks running with wet drys. We moved last year and talked the wife into a tank.

I picked up this Oceanic 150 Starfire for a good deal with a 55g for a sump. The sump is drilled on both end but isnt set up for a refuguim so I will be plugging the bulkhead that used to be the return.

I will be putting up pics and asking for advice from you guys.

Thanks in advance.

Here is the tank and stand (stand is junk)



Started the stand and canopy build. More progress has been made since these pics



My 20g QT in the basement, should be running by the weekend

RO/DI I mounted in the furnace room last weekend

My fish room, a small kitchen in the basement behind the bar, All the cabinets and drawers are for me :), sink is a bit small though


Some of my rock I will use


All important energy source for hard work in the basement :)

Just a quick comment; I have a 55g sump under my 120g display and I hate it. In my opinion they are just too narrow and too tall, making them a pain to work in.
I don't disagree, have you looked into other options?

I am currently in the process of building a new sump out of a 40br, a little less water volume but 5 more inches from front to back will be a big help. I am also going to use an external pump which will help to provide a little more room.
I am currently in the process of building a new sump out of a 40br, a little less water volume but 5 more inches from front to back will be a big help. I am also going to use an external pump which will help to provide a little more room.

With a refugium? Are you drilling the middle compartment?
Back on track on the project after it sat for a bit.

I did some reinforcing of the stand with 2x4s and coated them in poly


My first sump was a 37 not a 55. I decided the compartments were too small. I bought a used 55 for $40 and started to build it.

I have a local glass company building my dividers. I have the refuigium baffle in place.
