My Caulastrea can beat up your Caulastrea


New member
This morning when I looked in my tank, I thought "Wow, that Caulastrea sure has some big sweeper tentacles." When the lights came on though, I saw those tentalces were actually antannae and legs. I'm also missing one peppermint shrimp.

Ain't reefs cool!


I'd bet your peppermint will show up again. That looks like a molt.

LPS are fun because of the sweepers and feeders. Mine eat algae when I go through and pick it out. The floaters always find their way to an Acan or Favites, etc. They earn their keep;).
I agree it looks like a molt to me. If your shrimp just molted, it will be hiding for a while until it's new exoskeleton hardens up a bit. They are very soft and vulnerable right after they molt.
Well, ok. It's probably just a molt. (I just saw more empty shell on the live rock) But my Caulastrea can still whoop most others out there. :D