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About 1 month ago, I made up my mind to try an acropora dominated tank. I removed almost all the leathers from my display, bought some halides, fixed my water quality, and bought some frags at a swap (Cleveland, 3/19/06).
So far, I would call the transition a success, but I can't wait for things to grow in more. The tank still looks empty.
I wanted to post some pictures. If anyone can give me an ID, or some advice, it is appreciated.
My favorite:
This is a staghorn, and it is growing fast. The base has encrusted a lot, and pretty much all the blue is new growth. The tips are MUCH bluer than when I bought it, but the base was dark blue/green, and has lightened/browned some.
My 2nd favorite:
Again, some growth. You cannot see, but half this acro was damaged slightly when I got and has healed, and the other half is growing. The base has encrusted well. In the back is a pink pocillopora, which unfortunately has no growth and bad polyp extension.
Another Acro:
Some growth, no encrusting, good PE. I really want to keep this one due to its unusual shape, but my fish keep knocking it around (unintentionally I think).
Another Acro:
This was a really brightly colored stag (blue green). It has bleached some, not encrusted at all, but the breaks have healed.
Another Acro:
This one has bleached almost to white, but otherwise looks ok.
The world's smallest purple tort:
I know I am crazy to try a frag this small, but it is growing. I wish it would encrust more, since I used to have 2, but the fish knocked one off.
Is this a danae? The polyps have that look. So far growth is good, but has not attached to base rock, and gets knocked around.