My home SPS reef [175G/800l]

As usual jaw-dropping.:bounce3::bounce2::eek1:

I see part of your sand bottom is missing. Are you going to use any sand or you going to do BB in your next tank?
Sorry to see bite marks on that acro!


This picture is amazing!

Thank you!

As usual jaw-dropping.:bounce3::bounce2::eek1:

I see part of your sand bottom is missing. Are you going to use any sand or you going to do BB in your next tank?

I've removed some of my sand a few weeks before (I was very carefull but still probably that was a reason for a RTN on 3 of my acros). In my new tank thare is going to be a BB.

This picture is amazing!
Thank You!

Wonderful tank!!!!

and now, keeping No3 around 0 yet?
My No3 was always low - close to 0-1


Have you thought about Aquaforest products from Poland?
I started using them, with really good results.
They are zeo like additives, very cheap and you can take or leave whichever you want.
It also relies more on bacterial/ element dosing rather than stones etc. But you can also use stones or pellets.

Moser - I know that company. It's becoming popular here in Poland. There are few very nice tanks that use their products - this one is Debora's that I know in person and I've seen her tank live:
but for the moment I feel that keeping it simple is the best I can do to my tank.

btw. in 3 hours I'm expecting shipment for my new 1400l tank !(240x90x65 cm)
helal olsun amk!

excuse me for use Turkish because, i haven't got enough English to explain my thoughts about your tank.
