my house reef (211 g.)

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Iwan, it's an amazing tank, colors are perfect. Congratulations.

To all the RC'ers: Over the issue of translating the home page, on the Internet Explorer there is a function to tranlate into english, just right-click on the page and look for it. Give it a try.
sonofgaladriel said:
Sweet mother of God!!! That is absolutely stunning!!! And with T5's? Simply amazing. I'm very jealous. Congratulations on a spectacular reef Iwan.

I agree... Thank you for posting and please provide more info when able...

iwan said:
Thanks again :D :D

to the upcoming questions:

Yes.... I use only T5 bulbs!!

At the moment

2x54 Watt ATI Aquablue special
2x54 Watt ATI Blue plus
3x80 Watt ATI Aquablue special
3x80 Watt ATI Blue plus

makes 696 Watt

but i'll stock it up to:

2x54 Watt ATI Aquablue special
2x54 Watt ATI Blue plus
4x80 Watt ATI Aquablue special
4x80 Watt ATI Blue plus

makes 856 Watt

I expect better colors with the increased light.

I may have to re-think using MH / T5's and go all T5s, I really love the (shimming) effect over the water wth the MH...

Hello together

I like to answer the appeared questions:

I may have to re-think using MH / T5's and go all T5s, I really love the (shimming) effect over the water wth the MH

I haven't regretted the step to T5.
I have been missing the shimming light of MH only briefly. The remaining positive effects have immediately convinced me.

No Calcium reactor?
I use a calcium reactor.
However, unfortunately, I can thus only partly compensate for the calcium consumption.
Per day the corals use up to 40 mg/l . This means for about 320 mg of calcium/day !!!
I in addition work with the Balling method
How long is your photoperiod? Do you run the blue+ bulbs a little longer than your aquablues?

My lights time:

09.00 - 10.00 blue light
10.00 -- 22.00 full light
22.00 -- 23.00 blue light
23.00 -- 07.00 moonlight (LED)
Iwan that looks stunning. I have to give you credit, because keeping corals in a reef tank in Switzerland is like having a Hawaiian Luau in the arctic.

I like this comparison :lol:

Can we see some pictures of the equipment you are running to get an idea of how you are making all of this work?
I will take some photos soon and insert here.

However, there is not to see many:D

Sounds Like it's time for a European Road Trip!

Of course!
Winter sports in Switzerland can be very much recommended.:bum:

Many thanks for your congratulations!

I am very pleased that the you tank felled.
Hallo Iwan
Das geht Dir bestimmt runter wie Ãâ€"œl, aber Du hast ja auch für mich eins der stärksten Becken die ich bisher gesehen habe (kenne ja noch ein paar mehr Fotos aus dem Forum).
PS. pass bloß auf das das halbe Amiland nicht auf einmal auf Deiner Schwelle steht, wenn dann lass sie Nummern ziehen :D

Gr.Jürgen Schnoor
Hallo Jürgen

Du hast bsolut recht...das ist Balsam für meine Seele :-)

Für mich ist es natürlich eine riesige Freude, wenn auch andere Aquarianer Freude an meinem Becken haben. Ich wende viel Zeit und Energie auf, um möglichst nahe ans Optimum zu gelangen und dann freue ich mich natürlich, wenn das gesehen wird.

Liebe Grüsse

I actually understood 95% of that. :D

For those that are curious, the first poster was commending him on a gorgeous tank and for him not to be surprised if half the (nation? world? hobbyists?) showed up at his doorstep, and that they'd have to take a number to gain access to the house.

Iwan replied that he's very happy to share his tank with others so they can see it too, as he puts a lot of time and energy into his tank to get the best results possible.
Where in Switzerland are you? We're heading there next summer. I spent a couple weeks around Interlaken a few years ago and last year my wife and I took a train from Munchen to Lake Como and made a few stops there. She made me promise I'd take her to spend some time in Switzerland and I said yes. ;-) I'd really like to see the tank.
melev, you understood 100 % :D

i'm realy happy, that i can share my thank with you.

It's great to be here!!!

Thanks @ all

i'm from Lenzburg. That's a small town near Zurich.

If you spend some time in the're welcome!!!
Everyone flies into Zurich when they go to Switzerland. I think they should have signs up in the Bahnhof pointing us to your "Becken". :lol:

My 3 years in Basel have officially paid off. Frau Tellenbach worked with me as a young boy to learn German and Swiss-German in a room full of swiss kids.

And occasionally I bring Switzerland into my home. Matter of fact, I'll make one this weekend.
today's pics



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Simply incredible!

What is the red coral on the right in the middle pic on the right above? Is it a digitata?
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