My Latest Pics

You definitely have your own style...I love checking out your pics...the sharpness to them is like a razor!

Thanks for sharing,Aaron...
Remind me again about your flash is it mounted on the hot shoe or remotely aim down from the top or off to the side. Great picture. I think I'm gonna start using my flas for catching the fish lol
The only fish that hasn't looked better using flash is the Royal Gramma, it really does enhance them.

Here's a crappy iphone pic how I use mine.

Nice I would be afraid to hang my flash over the tank. Lol I have that same flash I should give that a try do u run any other lights while using flash or flash only
I do get a bit anxious but the clamp is tightened with pliers so it's going nowhere. You can run whatever lighting you want, the flash just washes it out so it's fine under just blues.
I added a Sunspot Goby today, my Yasha's don't want to play ball with my Shrimp, it only took minutes for them to pair up. I'd not seen the shrimp since adding it a week ago, it went into overdrive and dug up the back of the tank creating tunnels. My tank has looked like a snow globe for most of today. They seem very happy together though.

Sunspot Goby by --Aaron--, on Flickr

Sunspot Goby by --Aaron--, on Flickr