My Magnifica QT with Amoxicillin


I'm going to log my progress of keeping this Magnifica here. Using Amoxicillin since I do not have access to Cipro.

Here is day 1 in my care. Day 4 since shipping.

I think it is smaller than the 12"+ I was told. But we will see.
It looks super bleached right now.
I have it under 12 3w cree LED's at 85%. How long should I set the photo period?
Water is ~8" deep. 10 gallons of water exactly.

I put 500mg of amox in. I realize this is an overdose. But I don't think it will have any adverse effects. Although tomorrow I will only do 250.

Hopefully the flow is good? I can increase it if needed, but can not lower it any more.
This is ~10 minutes after putting it in the qt tank for it.
Here is a video.
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or link if that doesn't work


Any advice would be great.
Looks pretty good, actually. Hard to tell for sure from the photos, but it doesn't look particularly bleached to me. Also, size is tough to gauge until a happy nem is in your tank and then they can expand significantly.

Really what you want to look for is the inflate/deflate cycle, and reduction in frequency. BTW, fish flox is Cipro for fish, that worked for me, perhaps you can get some of that just in case.
Looks pretty good, actually. Hard to tell for sure from the photos, but it doesn't look particularly bleached to me. Also, size is tough to gauge until a happy nem is in your tank and then they can expand significantly.

Really what you want to look for is the inflate/deflate cycle, and reduction in frequency. BTW, fish flox is Cipro for fish, that worked for me, perhaps you can get some of that just in case.
Yeah, looking a lot worse. Cannot really tell for sure from the photo, but is that innards coming out of the mouth? Hang in there tho u never know.
Not really looking any better. I have no idea what it's insides look like. But it doesn't look good, and is deflated.

About 6 hours after water change, and moments before lights went out.
It does not look good but it may be dividing. Don't throw it out yet. They often divide with stress.
Get Cipro on hand next time, if you want to maximize your chance. With Amoxicillin, it does not have the spectrum or enough experience to know the optimal dose.
I spend a lot of time thinking and research about Cipro for the dose. Break down pathway, solubility and the like. A lot more information on using Cipro treating livestock and fish out there. Much more than Amoxicillin.
It does not look good but it may be dividing. Don't throw it out yet. They often divide with stress.
Get Cipro on hand next time, if you want to maximize your chance. With Amoxicillin, it does not have the spectrum or enough experience to know the optimal dose.
I spend a lot of time thinking and research about Cipro for the dose. Break down pathway, solubility and the like. A lot more information on using Cipro treating livestock and fish out there. Much more than Amoxicillin.

I have cipro coming in as I type. This nem showed up unexpectedly and I was caught off guard.
I might get them to bring in 2, although they would be in the same QT tank, probably not ideal. Hmm..

This is how it looks this morning.


Is that it's insides coming out?
It looks like it is starting to melt into mush now. Sigh.

I wish I could find one that has been in a tank for some time already.
I actually think it is looking better now... I mean not lots, but slightly better. I think morning will tell lots.
I have seen these nems recover after looking awful and not recover after looking ok, so, really, DO the smell test before passing last rites.
Well, I thought it was going to pull through, but the morning was just a ball of slim in the tank.


3 weeks and I'll have two coming to me. And Ciprofloxacin should be here tomorrow.
Unless it really would be bad to do two in the same qt.