My new 1200 gallon


New member
Hello all!! Im new to RC and I have recently purchased a 1200 gallon tank. I do not have everything i need to set it up quite yet. I was wondering what types of large fish/sharks/rays everyone reccomends. I have been keeping sharks and rays for over 7 years, so please no flaming haha
Any stocking lists or suggestions would be apprecaited!!
That imo is quite a large tank, you could do a couple of horned sharks, some very big tangs puffers lion fish and maybe some triggers. Are you set on an agressive tank? That would make one Hell of a killer reef!
Well im kinda set on having a FOWLR setup with sharks, but i have kept reefs in the past.... idk i mean it would take me years to fill it up with coral! lol
I would go with a whole bunch of Pygmy seahorses.
Or maybe not. Sorry I can't help. Maybe contact some seaquariums and speak to the marine biologist.
With a tank that size your options are rather wide so some might say get larger tangs puffers etc others might say get some sharks or stingrays etc. If my tank was that size I would research and see what fish you like and make sure they are comptable. Depending on budget you can get a wide variety of sharks. I plan on adding some hasselt bamboo sharks to my tank once my bigger one is set up they are about 100 bucks or you could go with a more aggressive shark like a epaulette. As far as Rays go the couple I have researched are peaceful so the sharks might pick on them might not hard to say.
And i will try to keep everyone updated as things hopefully start moving along here
And thanks for the reccomendations mjhall85!
I saw a rather large shark tank, that he had a single bonnethead shark. In the middle of the tank he had rock stacked approx 80% up in the center so that the shark could swim without any obstructions. In the rock in the center he had it filled with coral and fish! They obviously stayed pretty close to the rock, they went like 24" away at the most and it looked just like a reef. It was pretty awesome looking!
That imo is quite a large tank, you could do a couple of horned sharks, some very big tangs puffers lion fish and maybe some triggers. Are you set on an agressive tank? That would make one Hell of a killer reef!

sharks and rays are not compatible with most puffers and triggers as they will pick the eyes out of their heads..
Choose your look.

Do you want an aggressive tank? Lion fish, small sharks, and rays?

Or do you want a fish-only peaceful set up? Large numbers of Tangs, Anthias, Angels, the list goes on and on.

A peacful set up would mean smaller fish, but more. Aggressive would mean less fish, but they're big!
The only sharks you would be able to keep long term in a tank that size would be bamboos or eppies. Anyone that tells you any different does not have a clue about the needs of sharks in home aquaria.....That is assuming that this tank has a large footprint...The bonnet head shark mentioned above needs a tank at LEAST 10x that size....1200 gallons seems large compared with what most people keep around here but trust me- it's pretty small when compared with the space requirements truly needed by them....I researched this into the ground and spent time in conversation with not only specialists in this field but also owners of shark tanks, the smallest of which was 2300 gallons and even that ended up being WAYYY too small for those. Horn sharks could be kept in there for a little while but they would outgrow it after a couple of years....
And by the way, I have a 13x6x5 (close to 3000 gallons) in the works and I tried my hardest to convince myself that I could keep a free swimming shark such as a smoothhound and even maybe a port jackson or horned shark...Every conclusion I was forced to accept was that this tank would not be large enough to keep them long term.