My new 210g


New member
I purchased this from a fellow fish keeper on Saturday and am very excited to start getting this thin up and running. Its a oceanic 210g 7x2x2 with a custom stand built by a cabinet maker. Aquarium is in excellent condition. I have it next to my BioCube 29g; a big size diffrence, lol.




so what are your plans for this big boy? :) Any thought on the list of equipment? Doesn't look like there is any holes drilled, will you be doing that or are you going to use HOB overflows?
Hunting down a local reefer that drills tanks. He makes house calls. not sure on where Im putting the holes yet. As for equipment Im looking into a Beckett Bullet 2 Skimmer or an Octopus Needelwheel 200 skimmer. One of out local club members here in San Antonio also builds awesome beckett skimmers so I may have him do the job. Great to be a member of your local reef club, theres always someone who can build what you need and a lot of the time you save money and get a better product. As for stocking not much thought yet, but I do want to have some larger fish ive never been able to have before because of smaller tanks. And Corals will be majority softies just incase the fish (Angels) want to nibble; I want something that spreads quickly.
Can you tel me if your new tank has a double glass bottom? I have a 203 i bought used and it has a double bottom. Well it has a double bottom but the inner bottom was cracked so I removed it, and am trying to figure out how or what I am going to do t fix it.
Strayvoltage No it does not have a double bottom, honestly never seen or heard of that. The person I bought it from was a doctor and had the tank cared for by a local aquarium company so it was well taken care of. Ive heard that its easy to reseal a tank, but im not that brave. If I were you id take it in to be done professionally. Good luck
Ray thanks. I am confident I can reseal it as good as anybody can. What I am not sure about is if I need to add another piece of glass back to it or not. If the piece that I remover hadn't been there it is built just like any other tank out there. It was a custom built tank so I am not reall sure why that extra bottom was there in the first place.