My new 29 gallon SPS tank!!

figured it would be that much.i hate that they dont make them for smaller tanks.i know they have the iceprobe but its not enough. maybe ill try the fan if not ill try a d find a used chiller.
oh yea deffinatly. im going to make a diy one instead of paying double the cost.i dont want any salinity changes in this tank and with the light i can tell im going to have a lot:eek1:

do you guys know if there are reliable pumps out there thst dont have to run electrically??
i saw an auto top off in the DIY forum where it used a float swtich, asolenoid and a ro/di. You can adjust it so that the solenoid will open just a tad to let it drip and it will replace the water slowly so incase anything goes wrong, like the solenoid not closing back up, you can notice it w/o too much freshwater too fast.
yea ill have pics up tonight. my waters cycled now so i think i may bring a monti cap home and a monti digiata. i also got my skimmer.
here are my sps so far.

orange cap
yellow tort???
red digi
acro???any id's?
Green acro??any id's?

I also have about 10 nassarius snails
6 astrea
2 bumble bee
3 margarita
3 seriths

I also have a lawnmower blenny in there. I work at a fish store and monitered him and he was the only one to eat frozen food. He is also doing great. Ill have more pics when camera gets batteries. So what do you guys think?
For the autotopoff, I just took a container (5 gallon in my 15's case) elevated it to above the level of the sump, ran a line from the container to a Kent float valve, and let gravity feed the water from the container to the mechanical float switch. Works great, cost me $17 to make.

Don't use a float valve right from your RO, if the float switch failes you could have 125GPD into your sump driving your salinity to 0 perty fast. If it fails and you are using a 5 gallon bucket, then you have a little mess and a little lower salinity, but things are still alive.

Great progress, good luck!
i work at the fishtank on rt. 46. great place, lots of nice acros. i cant wait till tuesday we get a huge acro shipment. So far i know were getting a blue tip stags, green stags, purple stags, table acros, a bunch of small colonys, tri- colors, an assortment of blue acros, and also an assortment of yellow acros. Well can yo can guess whos going to be spending a lot of money on tueday:D :D lol
yeah i have been there a few times to check it out...really nice place. i picked up a pistol shrimp for my pico...i will definitely be there when my 65g is ready for stocking...

do you guys sell any nice frags? all i saw were bigger colonies when i was there...

yea we sell frags. green milles, gold and yellow acros, yellow torts, purple acro, and a bunch of mini colonys. By wedsday we should have lots of frags
wow at this rate it will be filled up by the weekend and next week you can get a bigger tank

with all the frags make shur the alk and calcium are correct with the reactor and no swings

good luck to you
well im not really buyin anything else until i get my calcium reactor on monday. I was worried about that also. Its pretty cool thow that i have coraline growing on my starboard already.