My new 300 Gallon Reef Tank

I got 2 @ 19.95 each and 20% off. They are way cool. Just after putting them into the new tank I put live brine and they attacked it. Kind of jumped and twisted after they ate it.
Hey I love the wall you created, Ill actually be building something similar when my house is finished being built in january/February....

Did you drywall the wall with the main tank in place?

If god for bid something happend to the tank could it be removed without damaging the wall? What i mean is if the tank was light enough could you slide the tank in or out, or does the drywall go around part of the glass?
Its official the Seahorse tank is a Seahorse tank.

Katherine and I got him/her on Saturday during our Eastern Michigan Reef stores road trip. It’s a Hippocampus erectus or more communally a lined seahorse, we got him at Atlantis Fish Shopppe in Clawson MI. Dean the owner was very helpful and he is going to try to get 3 more and some pipefish I’ve been looking for.

He’s been eating well since I started hatching BBS, he didn’t like the frozen BBS. Hopefully when he is in the company of other seahorses he’ll start to take frozen food again.

Orange Seahorse
Orange Seahorse.jpg
Just wanted to post an update about the tank. I’ve gotten some new fish and coral.

5 Seahorses
Sohal Tang
Hippo Tang(yellowbelly)
Coral Beauty
2 Dragon Face PipeFish
3 Green Chromis (Thanks John)
Tons of Shrooms
4 different caps
2 Ultra Blue Clams

I also lost the space for the plasma.


Still waiting for a quote on the new tank from preuss’s

Traded my cracked 240 for a great 40 gallon tank with a awesome stand, canopy, sump, and skimmer.