my new 345 US gal tank


New member
Being this my first post, I feel a bit intimidated because in this forum there are so many fine projects, although as a way to say thank you to all of you for sharing your experience and knowledge I'd like to post my most recent tank.This one would be my third marine tank in 15 years of hobby and I hope to have learned something from this forum I've consulted so many times.

the display tank dimensions are: l,w,h 200x70x60 cm (78 x 27.5 x 23 in)
the sump is: l,w,h 180x40x50 cm (70.8 x 15.75 x 19.7)

total water volume: 1,307.825 l (345.5 US gal)

1 power head: Resun 18000
4 circulating pumps:
2 wave controllers, one for each two circulating pumps
1 Protein skimmer G2
1 termostate heater 300W

3 LED lamps 120W each with 60 LEDs 1W white, 60 LEDs 1W blue
1 small fluorescent tube lamp for sump 15W
7 electronic timers to control the lightning on/off cycles: first turning on the blue ones and then white ones, lamp by lamp, then turning off the white ones and last the blue ones.

1 system 5 steps Reverse osmosis to refill

1 calcium reactor coralife-250

1 Automatic feeder, programed to operate twice a day

I've measured the main flow from the resun powerhead having 4,284 lxh (942 US gal x h)

The things that I like the most about this project are:

Overflow: I installed an acrylic overflow with some elbows to reduce the noise and keep the flow rate.
The main drain hole is in the lower part of the lateral wall of the tank with a diameter of 50 mm then with pvc pipe to the sump.

the first sump compartment, receiving the water from the tank is for the protein skimmer
the second is to have some live rock and I'm planning on install there an algae scrubber
the third compartment is to have the termostate, the floater valve with the refill system and the powerhead to return the water to the main tank.

1 sand bed 10cm deep (4 in)
200 kg live rock

1 blue regal tang
1 yellow tang
1 dwarf angel half black
1 dwarf lobster

I'll post some pictures I hope you like it...

Every comment, suggestion is very welcome.

What do you think about the lightning? 360W of LEDs lamps would be enough to keep the purple algae and some invertebrates?

Best regards


The day the tank arrived
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some pictures with details... BTW I designed the tanks to be installed in the wall allowing two views, from the dinning room and from the kitchen.

I also built all the pvc pipelines and the overflow part... I was afraid in the beggining because the overflow is not centered but shifted to one side of the tank

filling the tank and testing the lamps:

Details from the overflow and elbows to reduce noise (all the pipes are 50mm diam 2in)

Wider angle to see the pipelines and the returning hose, I decided for the returning using a flexible 1" hose instead of rigid pvc

sand and water

A view in the night of the installation

close up of the sump, it can be noticed the 2" drain pipeline all along the sump and at the left the returning powerhead

My little friend, the dwardf lobster... He is 4 years old, at least living with me...

three weeks later, after the installation, the water is totally clouded, I imagine this seems to be diatomea algae (it disappeared by itself after 6 weeks)

The fishes arrived, view from dinning room

view from the kitchen
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