My new 380

How does the waste colleter shut down ? The one I use has a pingpong ball that floats up, blocks the vent, and shuts it down. It is very small compared to the water bottle you are using. I would like to make one like yours.
Great idea on both. Simple and works. I'll be "borrowing" both designs. Can you post a parts list on the intakes. I'll be doing a CL on my 200g and was going to use a spa screen intake (the round 2" ones) but have heard of fish being sucked against them. Your design looks better. Looking good, keep up the hard work.
Dizzyswimmer: When the waste level comes up to the end of the tube it shuts down just like yours with the ping pong ball.

tony13: I got the perforated pvc online at aquatic eco systems. here's the part number RT444 for 4". They also carry 1",2",and 3". For the rest of the pieces I just used ABS and PVC. The screen slides over the PVC. So just make a small lip that the screen can be attatched to. I used all plastic zip ties that way I can take it apart and clean it.
Bigred said:
Not taking into consideration how it will look with corals grown in, I like the back view of the tank better than the front right now.
Bigred said:
8 yellows at 1.5" each.

That's cool!

How much time do they spend together?

Does it look like the schools of yellows you see in the wild?

Do they gang up on other fish? Do you think they will when they get bigger?

The only thing I would suggest maybe changing would be the size of the valley. If possible, I would move some rocks out and make it wider. I only say this b/c in a year or two when your corals grow out, your valley will shrink to nothing. Just my 2 cents.

The tank is looking great. Keep it up.
Most of the time they are all over the tank. When I first put them in the tank they stayed together but now they kind of went into smaller groups. 3 here, 3 here, and 2 swimming around. The 2 that swim around try to come into the groups of 3 and they beat them up. So I figure those are the 2 weekest. As they get bigger they will probably fight more but as of now everything is good. They don't mess with any other fish in the tank including my yellow rabbitfish.
I have to say from the back, the view is incredible. It looks like a valley and it gives it so much depth.
surg_xero & ChAoTiCrEeFeR4U: Thanks, still has lots of work ahead.

arconom: Yeah, I like the valley more from the back then the front but it's still cool to look at.
Here's a few more pics. I picked up some nice pieces yesterday. The first 2 pics are full tank shots one with all the lights and the second with just the actinics. After that is corals and fish.




tank is looking awesonme.
kimoyo I think normally phosphates are bound to the outside of rock. if there were high phosphates inside it would have killed the animal that was creating it. at least it would have stopped growing again making it not be inside. a white vinegar scrub does wonders for knocking the phosphates off the rock. rinse it and scrub it again with freshwater dechlorinated of course and maybe even seed it for a while with tank water. buying new rock is very expensive so no way would I go that route
good luck,
NanoManMaster & robthorn thanks. I'm going to setup my light on the closet tracks this weekend since it's such a pain to reach the front middle of the tank. I made some brackets to run on both tracks to make it more stable. I think I'll have about 4-5' of motion.
