New member
I started a new tank right around the start of January and figured I should start a thread where I can keep updates.
I have had saltwater tanks from 2003 ranging from 10 gallons to 180 from SPS loaded to aggressive tanks. The last few years I got away from reefs as a result of a crashed 120. I most recently had FOWLR tanks in 180 and 150 gallons. Around end of 2014 I sold everything in anticipation of moving and after loosing a few of my favorite fish. Didn't want the hastle of moving an almost empty tank to a house that was going to be remodeled. After moving into a new house in 2015, and finishing most of the work in the home, I decided to start another reef tank, but wanted to keep it small. I started a 20 gallon nano in the fall of 2015. I just had a few frags, and was taking it slow. That didn't last long since I went to Hawaii in December, and after snorkeling on the reefs there, my interest was revived. The 20 was not going to cut it.
While still in Hawaii I jumped online and started looking for a "new" used tank. I had a cube tank in mind. I didn't want a narrow (front to back), and didn't have much wall space to work with. Was thinking 3'-4' max, with decent depth. Luckily, I found a 90 gallon 36"x24"x24" tank right away. Wasn't perfect, but the price was right, and seemed to be a good option.
My plan is to have a mostly SPS tank, but I enjoy the fish and inverts as much as coral and tend to stock heavy with fish/inverts.
I didn't document the build, so I will just summarize what I have done in the first 3 months. I picked up the used tank, stand and sump. I was going to stay on as much of a budget as possible, so almost all equipment is used. The stand was beat up, the particle board swollen in areas, but structurally sound. I sanded and planed the entire stand and repainted the exterior. I was lazy and did not repaint the interior, which I now regret, as the paint is peeling much more than I realized. Resealing the interior will be a project at some point. I build a open top hood to match the stand.
Here is the equipment, and how I arrived at my current setup.
Lights: 2x Radion gen 3 xr30. Custom build light rack. I had 1 AI prime over the nano and loved it. I considered using 2 of those, but determined it would not be enough light for my goals. I purchased a used radion gen 1 to test it out. I liked the light but needed more coverage. Picked up a used gen 2 and got wide angle lenses. Was happy with the coverage so I just upgraded to the gen 3 for the added spectrum. Could have gone to the pro 3's, but didn't think it was needed. The tank is only 24" deep, I have about 3" of sand, and a lot of rock work, so I figure most SPS would be in the top half of the tank. I think the extra few hundred for the pro upgrade would be better spent on a third unit if I was lacking in light/coverage.
Flow: 2 xMP40wqd. Started out with 2 RW-8 pumps. Seemed pretty good, but read about too many problems and too much service required. Found a steal on the Neptune WAV, so I picked up a used starter kit. Just too much flow for my tank, not enough angle in the mount to get them in the back corners where I wanted them. The large center overflow was in the way. Concerned I would have the same issue with Tunze, I sold the WAV and picked up a set of MP40s used. Once I was happy with those, I ordered the QD upgrade. They are running on opposite short ends of the tank.
Controller: picked up a used Apex. Added a WXM for the lights and MP40s. Love the Fusion. Still working on some issues with float switches and the break out box, but very happy with apex. Also use temp probe Use it to control my heaters (have 2 for redundancy), and will be building a fan setup before it gets much warmer. Also monitor ph, control lights and all pumps.
Top Off: Tunze. Have used the tunze for about 10 years, never an issue other than replacing the pump every now and then. Got a used 30 gallon horizonal water tank, painted to match the tank (grey) and have that next to the tank. Not too pretty, but I hate lugging ATO water all the time.
Sump: The tank came with a sump, maybe 20 gallons, that was beat up. One side was broken, the baffles were gone. But, I couldn't find a used sump that was any better, and I am impatient and cheap, so I fixed it. The broken side was just the upper portion, which would be above my high water line. Even so, I did not want to risk it, so I cut and siliconed in a panel. There is about a 1 inch overlap, sealed both ways. Even thought the water never reaches the seal, even with the pumps off, I feel better with the panel there. I also installed a new baffle to separate the skimmer from the return section. Its very ugly, but works fine. The one thing I don't like about the sump/drain is it is very loud and no way to use filter socks. I plan to redo the plumbing and may replace the sump at some point.
Return: started with a Mag 9 valved down, but just got a waveline DC pump, the 6000 I think. Its small, quiet, and reduced temperature in the tank by about 1-2 degrees. It also has the port for apex control, although I dont make use of it yet since I just run the pump on its lowest speed to keep the drain sound low.
Skimmer: the only think I bought completely new. There are just too many options. I dont have a ton room in the sump, and the stand is not very tall, so I went with the SCA-302. So far, it works great. Would like to modify or upgrade to a DC pump/ skimmer in the future.
Dosing: Bubble Magnus 3 channel. I got a steal on a used Neptune DOS, but ended up selling it. Didn't like it was only 2 channel, and it was huge. I dont think I need to alter the settings very often, so I was not overly concerned with controlling from the apex. Found a deal on the BM, so I picked it up. Happy so far. Will be dosing CA, ALK, and Mag.
Other stuff: have a RODI and mixing station in the garage. pretty standard stuff.
Future plans: maybe a reactor for carbon/gfo. Researching biopellets. Working on a auto feeder and feeding ring setup for feeding throughout the day. New sump/skimmer as noted above
In the tank:
As I said, I live the livestock as much as corals, so that drove some choices here. About 3 inches of sand. Have a yellow watchman, and have had jawfish in the past, so that was a possibility. Also burrowing wrasses. In general, I live the look of sand, have different depth sand in areas of the tank. Think it looks more real. Don't know how much rock. I purchased rocks for a few sources, dry live rock, live rock from LFS, dry rock from BRS, and didn't track the total lbs. I have pulled out about a 5 gallon bucket worth from my initial aquascape as it was too crowded. Many with think it is still too crowded, and there are a few pieces I am thinking of removing...but pretty happy with it right now.
Fish: Mocha clown pair, lawnmower blenny, yellow watchman, pair of chalk bass, green corris, lubbocks fairy, blue sided fairy, red fire fish, kole tang, 3 chromis. I like the busy look. Most went in together, so not have any issues, everyone plays nice, for the most part. Kole chases the lawnmower sometimes. The corris may be an issue later on. Hes tiny now, but can be a little aggressive, and I have read they get worse as they grow.
Have a pencil urchin, caribean pistol (hoping he would paid with the watchman but no luck), 3 emerald crabs (1 orangeish colored), peppermint shrimp, and assorted hermits and snails.
Coral: Most of the corals came from local tanks, got a lot at the PROP auction this month. about 15 or so SPS, some zoas and a few LPS to fill the lower areas. Not great on names, put will post with the photos as I go.
On that note, photos. I don't have a nice camera, and dont know how to correct colors on my iphone, which is where the photos come from. So, if they photos suck, I'm sorry. I am open to tips.
Current photos:

Under stand:

Few closeups:

Not sure what this is, but it grows 2x as fast as any other SPS in my tank:

Ill try and update here and there. Welcome any suggestions or questions.
I have had saltwater tanks from 2003 ranging from 10 gallons to 180 from SPS loaded to aggressive tanks. The last few years I got away from reefs as a result of a crashed 120. I most recently had FOWLR tanks in 180 and 150 gallons. Around end of 2014 I sold everything in anticipation of moving and after loosing a few of my favorite fish. Didn't want the hastle of moving an almost empty tank to a house that was going to be remodeled. After moving into a new house in 2015, and finishing most of the work in the home, I decided to start another reef tank, but wanted to keep it small. I started a 20 gallon nano in the fall of 2015. I just had a few frags, and was taking it slow. That didn't last long since I went to Hawaii in December, and after snorkeling on the reefs there, my interest was revived. The 20 was not going to cut it.
While still in Hawaii I jumped online and started looking for a "new" used tank. I had a cube tank in mind. I didn't want a narrow (front to back), and didn't have much wall space to work with. Was thinking 3'-4' max, with decent depth. Luckily, I found a 90 gallon 36"x24"x24" tank right away. Wasn't perfect, but the price was right, and seemed to be a good option.
My plan is to have a mostly SPS tank, but I enjoy the fish and inverts as much as coral and tend to stock heavy with fish/inverts.
I didn't document the build, so I will just summarize what I have done in the first 3 months. I picked up the used tank, stand and sump. I was going to stay on as much of a budget as possible, so almost all equipment is used. The stand was beat up, the particle board swollen in areas, but structurally sound. I sanded and planed the entire stand and repainted the exterior. I was lazy and did not repaint the interior, which I now regret, as the paint is peeling much more than I realized. Resealing the interior will be a project at some point. I build a open top hood to match the stand.
Here is the equipment, and how I arrived at my current setup.
Lights: 2x Radion gen 3 xr30. Custom build light rack. I had 1 AI prime over the nano and loved it. I considered using 2 of those, but determined it would not be enough light for my goals. I purchased a used radion gen 1 to test it out. I liked the light but needed more coverage. Picked up a used gen 2 and got wide angle lenses. Was happy with the coverage so I just upgraded to the gen 3 for the added spectrum. Could have gone to the pro 3's, but didn't think it was needed. The tank is only 24" deep, I have about 3" of sand, and a lot of rock work, so I figure most SPS would be in the top half of the tank. I think the extra few hundred for the pro upgrade would be better spent on a third unit if I was lacking in light/coverage.
Flow: 2 xMP40wqd. Started out with 2 RW-8 pumps. Seemed pretty good, but read about too many problems and too much service required. Found a steal on the Neptune WAV, so I picked up a used starter kit. Just too much flow for my tank, not enough angle in the mount to get them in the back corners where I wanted them. The large center overflow was in the way. Concerned I would have the same issue with Tunze, I sold the WAV and picked up a set of MP40s used. Once I was happy with those, I ordered the QD upgrade. They are running on opposite short ends of the tank.
Controller: picked up a used Apex. Added a WXM for the lights and MP40s. Love the Fusion. Still working on some issues with float switches and the break out box, but very happy with apex. Also use temp probe Use it to control my heaters (have 2 for redundancy), and will be building a fan setup before it gets much warmer. Also monitor ph, control lights and all pumps.
Top Off: Tunze. Have used the tunze for about 10 years, never an issue other than replacing the pump every now and then. Got a used 30 gallon horizonal water tank, painted to match the tank (grey) and have that next to the tank. Not too pretty, but I hate lugging ATO water all the time.
Sump: The tank came with a sump, maybe 20 gallons, that was beat up. One side was broken, the baffles were gone. But, I couldn't find a used sump that was any better, and I am impatient and cheap, so I fixed it. The broken side was just the upper portion, which would be above my high water line. Even so, I did not want to risk it, so I cut and siliconed in a panel. There is about a 1 inch overlap, sealed both ways. Even thought the water never reaches the seal, even with the pumps off, I feel better with the panel there. I also installed a new baffle to separate the skimmer from the return section. Its very ugly, but works fine. The one thing I don't like about the sump/drain is it is very loud and no way to use filter socks. I plan to redo the plumbing and may replace the sump at some point.
Return: started with a Mag 9 valved down, but just got a waveline DC pump, the 6000 I think. Its small, quiet, and reduced temperature in the tank by about 1-2 degrees. It also has the port for apex control, although I dont make use of it yet since I just run the pump on its lowest speed to keep the drain sound low.
Skimmer: the only think I bought completely new. There are just too many options. I dont have a ton room in the sump, and the stand is not very tall, so I went with the SCA-302. So far, it works great. Would like to modify or upgrade to a DC pump/ skimmer in the future.
Dosing: Bubble Magnus 3 channel. I got a steal on a used Neptune DOS, but ended up selling it. Didn't like it was only 2 channel, and it was huge. I dont think I need to alter the settings very often, so I was not overly concerned with controlling from the apex. Found a deal on the BM, so I picked it up. Happy so far. Will be dosing CA, ALK, and Mag.
Other stuff: have a RODI and mixing station in the garage. pretty standard stuff.
Future plans: maybe a reactor for carbon/gfo. Researching biopellets. Working on a auto feeder and feeding ring setup for feeding throughout the day. New sump/skimmer as noted above
In the tank:
As I said, I live the livestock as much as corals, so that drove some choices here. About 3 inches of sand. Have a yellow watchman, and have had jawfish in the past, so that was a possibility. Also burrowing wrasses. In general, I live the look of sand, have different depth sand in areas of the tank. Think it looks more real. Don't know how much rock. I purchased rocks for a few sources, dry live rock, live rock from LFS, dry rock from BRS, and didn't track the total lbs. I have pulled out about a 5 gallon bucket worth from my initial aquascape as it was too crowded. Many with think it is still too crowded, and there are a few pieces I am thinking of removing...but pretty happy with it right now.
Fish: Mocha clown pair, lawnmower blenny, yellow watchman, pair of chalk bass, green corris, lubbocks fairy, blue sided fairy, red fire fish, kole tang, 3 chromis. I like the busy look. Most went in together, so not have any issues, everyone plays nice, for the most part. Kole chases the lawnmower sometimes. The corris may be an issue later on. Hes tiny now, but can be a little aggressive, and I have read they get worse as they grow.
Have a pencil urchin, caribean pistol (hoping he would paid with the watchman but no luck), 3 emerald crabs (1 orangeish colored), peppermint shrimp, and assorted hermits and snails.
Coral: Most of the corals came from local tanks, got a lot at the PROP auction this month. about 15 or so SPS, some zoas and a few LPS to fill the lower areas. Not great on names, put will post with the photos as I go.
On that note, photos. I don't have a nice camera, and dont know how to correct colors on my iphone, which is where the photos come from. So, if they photos suck, I'm sorry. I am open to tips.
Current photos:

Under stand:

Few closeups:

Not sure what this is, but it grows 2x as fast as any other SPS in my tank:

Ill try and update here and there. Welcome any suggestions or questions.
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