My new 90G Tank...


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Full dinning room shot....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
A tighter full dinning room shot.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
A shot with the cabinet open...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Sump close up... LR will be removed and cheato will be added.
(Anyone with some cheato to spare let me know)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Tank close up...rock work will be redone for better coral placement and fish movement.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Side cabitnets open.... the left cabinet will hold all my fish supplies and the right will have an ATO and any other gear needed.

I will post more pics post re-aquascaping. and more info on the tank.
I am open to to any suggestions.
SWEET!!! What'up big boy!!! Nice setup Mel, welcome back to the world of non-nano's :D

I'll hook you with some cheato dude if you need some. Just call my cell.
Nice nice Mel! Barebottom, acrylic plugs, eductors... Looks like some homework was done before this tank went up... Very impressive :D
Thansk everyone...
I am very happy with how things have turned out despite a few set backs.
First of all thanks to Bernie for helping me move this bad boy, and Armondo for donating this complete set-up!!!

This tank will not be a barebottom tank. Soon I will be adding sand as I have a trio of Engineer Blennies that are dying to dig thier little hearts out. Plus my wife loves the Diamond gobies.

Compulou....Hey after I re-do the aquascape for the last time tonight, all the left over LR wil be up for sale or trade. So if you still need some....maybe we could trade for some cheato and frags.

Wildshark...This stand and canopy was built by the original owner Armando. The stand is higher than almost all commercially available stands so it puts the tank at a better eye level.

Rogger .... when you come to drop off the girls one day, you could check out the tank critic it.

After the reaquascaping tonight I will post pics once the water clears.
Very nice! Love the bb like everyone else. I love the little acrylic rods setup for the aquascaping! Almost thought they were built into the tank until i looked close and saw what you did. GREAT idea!

Is that all the lr you are adding? It looks great now. I wanted minimal like yours but just kept adding and adding to have places for more corals until i was stuffed,lol.

All those blennies but no plans for any midas blennies? They would look great going in and out of that barnacle rock!
Dex you are more than welcomed to come by and see the tank anytime. Actually I will be coming to you for some zoos. As for the nanos they were broken down. The corals will go in this tank.
I am selling the 24g jbj nano and the oceanic 40g Stretch Hex....

Sufunk....Yes I could not have this tank without a Midas Blenny.
That is one sweet fish.
Yo that tank esta nitido mano!

To those that don't understand spanglish, I just said the tank is awesome, :D
Looks great, the high stand really adds size to the tank. It displays nice. The rock work looks scary to me until you add the sand. What lighting you are using, very powerful looking? The skimmer looks like a beast.