My new large system


I've been running multiple "smaller" tanks for a while now.

I decided it's finally time to do some larger ones.

Here are some pictures, I didn't have all of the stands and tanks when I took the pic, but here is the start.



I hope to continue to update here.

Totals system gallons should be close to 900 gallons.

225g (display) + 75g (fish pair tank) + 75g (fish pair tank) + 100g (frag tank) + 150g (rubbermaid) + 150g (rubbermaid) + 90g (sump)
Thanks, I hope to update more, just doing more plumbing this weekend, as I said before though, I'm still waiting on one more tank :D
Are you going to have all those tanks in the one room, or do you have a "fish room" or other area for all the sumps, and only keep the displays in the room shown?
I will have the sumps/refugiums/equipment downstairs. Upstairs I have acrylic tanks for display, fish pairs, and the frag tank.

I will definitely think about breaking from the other end of the table, could be tragic if I shot into the tank :| Although tank is 8' away, and will be on a high stand, so I don't think I'll have to worry too much about it.

Here is the skimmer, a Euro-Reef CS400. This thing is huge!

I'm hoping to be all set up and ready for water by this weekend!

Thanks! For the moment, it will be for my clownfish pairs. I'll be getting some more after it is up and running. :D