My new Powder Brown


New member
Just go this yesterday At LFS and got him in quaratine, Hes looks to be very healthy and already Ate fourmla 1 pellets for me like the LFs said he was eating. I know these are fragile fish, but this particular LFS i got him at only have the best fish in town in most cases. Sorry about the blurriness, sometimes my camera takes good pics and other times it doesn't.


I had one of these years ago. Lovely fish.

Funny story about this guy. I used to keep my water level pretty high in my tank and I also had glass lids. The fish was at one end of the tank and I opened the lid to feed and the fish came dashing as fast as it could and BAMM! ran into the glass lid. The fish stuck both of it's pectoral fins straight out away from it's body and went floating through the tank looking like when a person floats off into space. It totally knocked itself out! The fish landed at the bottom of the tank and came back to the world a few minutes later.

The fish really thought he was a bad _ss and died from the wrath of my emperor angel who really was bad _ss.
The LFS i got him from is one of the healthiest and cleanist tanks you can find and they take great proud in that. They had him for 2 weeks in their tank and they said hes been very healthy and eating like a pig on formula 1 and 2 pellets. So i'm praying i might get lucky and he does fine in the QT since they are delicate fish.
he's beautiful. I just lost one of these to ick in my quarantine tank. : ( I hope you have better luck. He was already my favorite fish. He did eat very well for me.
I too got one about a month ago... Was at the LFS for about 3 weeks. Never had a spot on him.

Here he is now in my tank. He has fattened up since this picture. Eats everything from flake to frozen mysis, formula 1 & 2, Angel formula, and Nori off the clip. :)
