My new T. gigas from LiveAquaria


Moved on
ORA start to imported T. gigas again. Last time these clams were imported must be at least 17 years ago. Here is mine

I got mine for 140 with 5% cash back from before and 50.00 gift certificate from previous buy. Looking for 1 for a long time.
true. too bad i cant have any clams bc my mag foxface would kill them.
My Foxface does not bother my clams.
You can always get rid of the Foxface, exchange your's for a smaller one.
I guess it is just priority assignment.
20 % off at Petco today, I am not sure if that discount would apply to one of thees.
Nice clam.

Nah. Even LA coupon does not apply to DD and vice versa.



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Very Nice!
Do you have any interest in them at all Alton? They do get huge and beautiful, but not as colorful as some of the smaller clams. I like them a lot. People always WOW by my huge clam too. I can't wait until both of these get larger.
dude that's so cool!

i saw these come up the other day and was already scheming on what i could remove from my tank to make room for one.

maybe i just wasn't paying attention, but i feel like these dropped out of nowhere?
These are hardy large clam. None imported for at least 15 years. LA had 20% off for a few days last week. Not anymore now. I am sure if one wait a little some special will come up.
These are hardy large clam. None imported for at least 15 years. LA had 20% off for a few days last week. Not anymore now. I am sure if one wait a little some special will come up.

$200 for something that until like 3 days ago was made from unobtanium is a steal IMO.

i can't wait to start seeing these popping up in people's tanks.
Do you have any interest in them at all Alton? They do get huge and beautiful, but not as colorful as some of the smaller clams. I like them a lot. People always WOW by my huge clam too. I can't wait until both of these get larger.

I thought about it until the eight line became available. It would look neat in my office tank until it out grew it and then a possible separate tank plumbed into my 180 at home like our friend Troy Valentine