My new tank just broke

corals b 4 bills

New member
So I just started a build thread here yesturday so this is hard to say but my tank's bottom panel cracked.

I found a used tank for sale and picked it up (7 guy's) It's sat in my truck covered for two days, Today I cleaned the tank out to get it ready for storage and it was spotless, I went to home depot to buy some lumber to create it and when I looked in the tank there were three very long cracks in it. From what I can figure out that there were some water in the overflow and when the tank got hot it went to the coldest spot.

Here's the deal my wife didn't want me to have this big tank (225 gallon) in the first place so what I need from you great reefers is some repair options before she get's home.

I was thinking about adding another panel to the bottom of this one, what do you think will it work?

Sorry to hear IMO, you can fix it by putting a plywood cutting to fit the tank botton (just like the plywood tank) shield with epoxy and heavily glue it to the glass (outside) and inside put a glass on top of the crack area and again shield it with glue. Both inside and outside support to keep it from breaking or cracking more. In this case you will need firm bottom support from the stand if the tank bowling on the bottom it would crack further easily.
The only thing in my favor is that this is a Lemar tank, It has no plastic bands anywhere on the tank so I figured that another piece added to the bottom should take care of it.....Please someone agree.
You may need to shield both side of the crack or it will keep cracking further to the edge of the tank. Since it is bottom panel, not a big deal It is fixable. Just need some glass experts to give best solution.
Ok I am looking for someone to fix it, if they won't (for some reason) My reef club is going to help me put it back together. Thank's for your help.
