My newest fish that need some T.L.C.

Linda C.

New member
I thought I would share some photos of the latest group of fish I got to work with. They each have a different ailment.

Cube Boxfish with either parasite or medication burns.

Regal Tang with either MHLLE or an injury (looks more like an injury then MHLLE) This guy is skinny:



Kole Tang with either a fungus or injury to it's mouth. This guy is very skinny.
lol...the only whispers that I know of is me saying 'oh good, wow, you're still alive today?!'

I'm just trying to get some hands on experience with this stuff. So far it's quite a of work..water changes, keeping everything separate to not contaminate things and lots of bleaching and cleaning....medicated baths, multiple feedings and lots of worry. I don't mind the rest but the 'worry' part gets to me.
yes, gloves are a standard now....a 'must have'. I even carry some in my bag incase I'm at a fishy friends house and we want to work on their tank.

Somewhere between the bristles and the recent biopsy testing for mycobacterium marinum convinced me to wear them more often.

negative for the mycobacterium but I now have to go to the dermatologist to get 'whatever it is' to go away.