I will try to keep this brief as there is a ton to cover as this is my personal experience and in no way scientific. I hope this is helpful and that others share their experience (Calling out Robthron for getting me to try this on my reef).
Here is my build thread:
And here is where my challenges started.
To sum up the issues, my build has been delayed with many problems (Leaks, O2, Ich) last but not least Nitrate. For the last 6 months I have struggled to keeping nitrates below (sub 60 ppm). I had cycled 200+ pounds of dry rock for over 4 months prior to filling up new tank and waited 2 months before adding fish. I knew I might not have enough rock for a high bio load but was not too concerned at the time about that as I wanted to complete the fish transfer.
Fast forward a few months ( issues) and I am still battling nitrates. So I started the carbon usage after a few weeks it started to drop sub 5ppm, but was amazed on how much vodka I was using as compared to my 210. I was hoping to find a solution were I wouldn’t have to keep a regiment like vodka (Which worked for me for almost 8 years). So after cleaning my canister filter for my discus (Loaded with Seachem Matrix) and a long chat with Robthorn I decided to explore siporax for my reef. I have read up on matrix in reefs but was curious in finding more info about siporax. After a quick search I found this TOTM that had used siporax as a heavy bio media.
After missing an opportunity to buy in a group buy I picked up some of the regular size siporax from amazon and tested 2 liters granted I kept up with vodka 12 ml but never really hit the ULNS side. Wanted to see what and if any help would come from the bio media. Fast forward a month I decided to add 2 liters of matrix as well as I was able to hit UNLS and feed like crazy and even reduce Carbon. So not being sure what was the magic to the reduction. I started researching more and found the below thread
To my surprise after some research I found manufacture claims:
270 m² per liter Siporax vs 700 m2/L for Seachem.
So after 6 years of using regular matrix in discus tank. I now wanted to try pond matrix on my soon to be reef system. Started with 4 liters of pond matrix on top of existing 2 liters of Siporax and 2 liters of regular matrix. After another 2 months it made a big difference. I have cut back carbon dosing and love the fact that's it's an easy and natural way of addressing nitrate.
What's the difference you might ask from Matrix to Pond Matrix? SIZE
So my new goal is to try to stay as close as possible to UNLS and without a carbon source.
***I must address the film build up that others face when using this media. If you noticed on the above pictures I am trying 2 methods with one goal in mind, maintenance ease. So after years of using matrix in a canister with great success on my discus tank. I have noticed that yes a film builds up on any media and can be easily dislodged and removed (I must admit I am not entirely sure the film is causing any degradation in effectiveness of the media) but also noticed on the TOTM that siporax chambers could be shaken to dislodge film or detritus build up. I later started to run 2 canisters and clean out one unit one month and the other a month later. I do this to address redundancy and reduce the probability of a mini cycle as I like to rinse media with discard water by giving it a good shake to dislodge film and possible detritus***.
Back to my reef and what is working. I have decided to try high and low flow areas while also creating removable compartments so one can perform maintenance and not impact all the media.
Doing this allows me to grab one of the 1 liter media bag and shake and rinse it in discard tank water at any given schedule.
I also left pond matrix lose in bottom of my filter sock chamber (please note if using pond matrix for the first time please let it soak in water and sink, as they can float due to micro bubbles being trapped in very porous media).
As of Tuesday: I have had a week without Vodka and solely on Matrix. I have removed the regular siporax and super low Nitrate. I now have 8 Liters of Pond Matrix and 6 liters of regular matrix. I have 4 more liters of pond matrix on the way which will go in fuge overflow.
Again many variables could exist as to why this is working for me.
I hope this helps others so please do share your experiences with bio medias. More so those that can afford more expensive pond version of siporax.
Here is my build thread:
And here is where my challenges started.
To sum up the issues, my build has been delayed with many problems (Leaks, O2, Ich) last but not least Nitrate. For the last 6 months I have struggled to keeping nitrates below (sub 60 ppm). I had cycled 200+ pounds of dry rock for over 4 months prior to filling up new tank and waited 2 months before adding fish. I knew I might not have enough rock for a high bio load but was not too concerned at the time about that as I wanted to complete the fish transfer.
Fast forward a few months ( issues) and I am still battling nitrates. So I started the carbon usage after a few weeks it started to drop sub 5ppm, but was amazed on how much vodka I was using as compared to my 210. I was hoping to find a solution were I wouldn’t have to keep a regiment like vodka (Which worked for me for almost 8 years). So after cleaning my canister filter for my discus (Loaded with Seachem Matrix) and a long chat with Robthorn I decided to explore siporax for my reef. I have read up on matrix in reefs but was curious in finding more info about siporax. After a quick search I found this TOTM that had used siporax as a heavy bio media.
After missing an opportunity to buy in a group buy I picked up some of the regular size siporax from amazon and tested 2 liters granted I kept up with vodka 12 ml but never really hit the ULNS side. Wanted to see what and if any help would come from the bio media. Fast forward a month I decided to add 2 liters of matrix as well as I was able to hit UNLS and feed like crazy and even reduce Carbon. So not being sure what was the magic to the reduction. I started researching more and found the below thread
To my surprise after some research I found manufacture claims:
270 m² per liter Siporax vs 700 m2/L for Seachem.
So after 6 years of using regular matrix in discus tank. I now wanted to try pond matrix on my soon to be reef system. Started with 4 liters of pond matrix on top of existing 2 liters of Siporax and 2 liters of regular matrix. After another 2 months it made a big difference. I have cut back carbon dosing and love the fact that's it's an easy and natural way of addressing nitrate.
What's the difference you might ask from Matrix to Pond Matrix? SIZE

So my new goal is to try to stay as close as possible to UNLS and without a carbon source.
***I must address the film build up that others face when using this media. If you noticed on the above pictures I am trying 2 methods with one goal in mind, maintenance ease. So after years of using matrix in a canister with great success on my discus tank. I have noticed that yes a film builds up on any media and can be easily dislodged and removed (I must admit I am not entirely sure the film is causing any degradation in effectiveness of the media) but also noticed on the TOTM that siporax chambers could be shaken to dislodge film or detritus build up. I later started to run 2 canisters and clean out one unit one month and the other a month later. I do this to address redundancy and reduce the probability of a mini cycle as I like to rinse media with discard water by giving it a good shake to dislodge film and possible detritus***.
Back to my reef and what is working. I have decided to try high and low flow areas while also creating removable compartments so one can perform maintenance and not impact all the media.

Doing this allows me to grab one of the 1 liter media bag and shake and rinse it in discard tank water at any given schedule.

I also left pond matrix lose in bottom of my filter sock chamber (please note if using pond matrix for the first time please let it soak in water and sink, as they can float due to micro bubbles being trapped in very porous media).

As of Tuesday: I have had a week without Vodka and solely on Matrix. I have removed the regular siporax and super low Nitrate. I now have 8 Liters of Pond Matrix and 6 liters of regular matrix. I have 4 more liters of pond matrix on the way which will go in fuge overflow.
Again many variables could exist as to why this is working for me.
I hope this helps others so please do share your experiences with bio medias. More so those that can afford more expensive pond version of siporax.
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