Before I say anything else, I should mention I haven't started using my 6100s yet as I am waiting for a multicontroller and a magnet holder...
Here's some of my thoughts:
1- Why isn't there a connector between the stream and the driver? If I use the supplied screws to mount the driver somewhere above the tank, then I won't be able to take the stream to a sink to give it a good cleaning everyso often... And if I do take it to the sink by either not fixing the driver or by unscrewing it, then I risk either dropping the driver in the sink or at least getting some water slashed onto it. In my mind this could be taken care of with a connector between the pump and the driver... There already is a connector for the transformer!
2- Why didn't you build a single controller into the driver unit with the option of using a multicontroller? This way we could run them individually, have them pulse, etc without the cost and trouble of adding single controllers. If something would ever happend to the multicontroller, the stream could still be usefull on their own... (I know that they work without a controller, but I'm sure the vast magority of people who buys streams, don't want to use them for constant flow)
3- The mounting hardware is essentially useless on my tank... Unless I would have siliconed the mounting bar to the glass. The parts that are supposed to go over the rim don't spread open wide enougth for the rim of my tank. Given that I'm not 100% positive where they will end up and also given that I migth want to change the location of the pumps if I redo my aquascaping, etc... I prefer not to glue the mounting hardware into place (althougth I do realise that the silicone could be removed, etc...). It sounds like the magnet mounts do take care of this issue nicely, but I would have still expected some funcionnal mounting hardware for a pump of that price.
Sorry for the rant... I had to share it with you while I wait for the much needed accesories to arrive.
Before I say anything else, I should mention I haven't started using my 6100s yet as I am waiting for a multicontroller and a magnet holder...
Here's some of my thoughts:
1- Why isn't there a connector between the stream and the driver? If I use the supplied screws to mount the driver somewhere above the tank, then I won't be able to take the stream to a sink to give it a good cleaning everyso often... And if I do take it to the sink by either not fixing the driver or by unscrewing it, then I risk either dropping the driver in the sink or at least getting some water slashed onto it. In my mind this could be taken care of with a connector between the pump and the driver... There already is a connector for the transformer!
2- Why didn't you build a single controller into the driver unit with the option of using a multicontroller? This way we could run them individually, have them pulse, etc without the cost and trouble of adding single controllers. If something would ever happend to the multicontroller, the stream could still be usefull on their own... (I know that they work without a controller, but I'm sure the vast magority of people who buys streams, don't want to use them for constant flow)
3- The mounting hardware is essentially useless on my tank... Unless I would have siliconed the mounting bar to the glass. The parts that are supposed to go over the rim don't spread open wide enougth for the rim of my tank. Given that I'm not 100% positive where they will end up and also given that I migth want to change the location of the pumps if I redo my aquascaping, etc... I prefer not to glue the mounting hardware into place (althougth I do realise that the silicone could be removed, etc...). It sounds like the magnet mounts do take care of this issue nicely, but I would have still expected some funcionnal mounting hardware for a pump of that price.
Sorry for the rant... I had to share it with you while I wait for the much needed accesories to arrive.