My personal comments on the 6100


New member

Before I say anything else, I should mention I haven't started using my 6100s yet as I am waiting for a multicontroller and a magnet holder...

Here's some of my thoughts:

1- Why isn't there a connector between the stream and the driver? If I use the supplied screws to mount the driver somewhere above the tank, then I won't be able to take the stream to a sink to give it a good cleaning everyso often... And if I do take it to the sink by either not fixing the driver or by unscrewing it, then I risk either dropping the driver in the sink or at least getting some water slashed onto it. In my mind this could be taken care of with a connector between the pump and the driver... There already is a connector for the transformer!

2- Why didn't you build a single controller into the driver unit with the option of using a multicontroller? This way we could run them individually, have them pulse, etc without the cost and trouble of adding single controllers. If something would ever happend to the multicontroller, the stream could still be usefull on their own... (I know that they work without a controller, but I'm sure the vast magority of people who buys streams, don't want to use them for constant flow)

3- The mounting hardware is essentially useless on my tank... Unless I would have siliconed the mounting bar to the glass. The parts that are supposed to go over the rim don't spread open wide enougth for the rim of my tank. Given that I'm not 100% positive where they will end up and also given that I migth want to change the location of the pumps if I redo my aquascaping, etc... I prefer not to glue the mounting hardware into place (althougth I do realise that the silicone could be removed, etc...). It sounds like the magnet mounts do take care of this issue nicely, but I would have still expected some funcionnal mounting hardware for a pump of that price.

Sorry for the rant... I had to share it with you while I wait for the much needed accesories to arrive.

I agree with the disconnect between the driver and the stream. I thought that the way it is hard wired was really thoughtless and stupid.
There is a connector between the stream and the driver, just take off the blue cover and the unclip the stream connector inside.
I agree with the cheesy mounting hardware. For $325 (after taxes) I definitely deserve a pump that doesn't wobble around and look flimsy.

As for the multicontroller integrated into the driver, that probably has more to do with them having an opportunity to make more money. Not everyone will want to justify an extra expense for a multi controller integrated into the product. Plus, if they don't integrate it within the product, they can charge what the people who do want it will pay for it! which we all know is a lot.

Still the flow is great, I just think the price isn't justified but whatever, for now there's nothing that can compete with it.
1- Connectors are always a week point, get water on any one of those connectors and it is game over, that is why the most vulnerable one is covered. Just open the driver and you can unplug it.

2- They used to be made this way, the old 7410 had a single controller built in, it didn't allow as many options- no foodtimer or photo cell connection and it was kind of pontless when the pump was used as a return pump or a skimmer pump, remember we make one driver and it runs every electronic pump we make- it would also be a problem for the wavebox.

3- Ask someone with a european braceless tank if the mounts suck, Tunze is sold in over 30 countries, very few have acrylic and very few have plastic trimmed glass. The standard tank the world over is a braceless glass box with a floating bottom. The brackets work perfectly on these tanks. It is a compromise to make something that will work on the majority oof the worlds tank designs but I promise you if you travel you will sooon see that we are in the minority in tank construction methods, the only reason US tanks even have trim is when silicon came out consumers did not trust the trimless tanks so manufacturers replaced the old metal structural frames with a cheesy plastic decorative frame which really does nothing.
rvitko said:
1- Connectors are always a week point, get water on any one of those connectors and it is game over, that is why the most vulnerable one is covered. Just open the driver and you can unplug it.

2- They used to be made this way, the old 7410 had a single controller built in, it didn't allow as many options- no foodtimer or photo cell connection and it was kind of pontless when the pump was used as a return pump or a skimmer pump, remember we make one driver and it runs every electronic pump we make- it would also be a problem for the wavebox.

3- Ask someone with a european braceless tank if the mounts suck, Tunze is sold in over 30 countries, very few have acrylic and very few have plastic trimmed glass. The standard tank the world over is a braceless glass box with a floating bottom. The brackets work perfectly on these tanks. It is a compromise to make something that will work on the majority oof the worlds tank designs but I promise you if you travel you will sooon see that we are in the minority in tank construction methods, the only reason US tanks even have trim is when silicon came out consumers did not trust the trimless tanks so manufacturers replaced the old metal structural frames with a cheesy plastic decorative frame which really does nothing.

1- How would this connector be any different then the one for the transformer? Is opening the driver really the best way of doing regular maintenance?

2- I didn't realize that it was the same driver for everything... I guess I see your point.

3- I do understand that for what migth be more standard in the rest of the world the hardware is fine, but it probably wouldn't be much of an effort to include one or two extra pieces of plastic to make sure that the pumps can be used in as many thanks as possible...

Keep in mind that I'm trying to bring you some constructive comments. Think what you want of them! You are providing a quality and innovative products unlike the majority of the products we find in this hobby! They were just Ideas on how I think your product could be improved... There is always some room for improvement.


goth, I understand but we have been making these electronic pumps for 15 years and we have tried most every configuration over that time. I can only say I have seen the results of people trying to modify the pump to include a connector and their are two problems, one, if the connector is loose it arcs and everything burns up. If you get any water on the connector which is much easier if it is external it also frys up. The transformer is a more robust connector and the the water damage issue is still possible it is not as easy to destroy it this way as the small 5 cable connector of the pump, the pump contains electonics that cannot be shorted without permanent damage.

We have included as standard now kit 3000.244 which adapts the mounting kit to Oceanic and All Glass tanks quite well. We make an accesory kit 300.26 for all other options, we don't include it bacause the tanks taht need this kit are in the minority and it makes no sense to include article which will be thrown away and raise the cost.

We are not resting, we continue to improve the product and in a couple years we plan to have a new set up but it is too early to discuss this.
I'm glad I caught this thread, I was wondering how I was going to get my streams out to clean them. I had to lift up a semi-permanent canopy to pull the transformer through as it is threaded through a semi-closed opening not large enough to fit the entire transformer. Fun for me.

Goth has got some good points but they are well-countered and understood. We tend to be very US-centric, we like it our way, but in this case the US is only a fraction of Tunze's market.

I'd like to see more trimless or euro-braced tanks!!
The easiest way to keep the pumps clean is just take a bucket of 50/50 vinegar and warm water to the tank, about 2-gallons in a 5 gallon bucket. Throw the pump in their and run it for a few hours. Do this every 3 months, every other time pull the pump completely apart and check for any build up or problems.
From that below - I suspect I received 3000.244 as part of my recent 6000 purchase - I could not figure it out - do you have a picture? thanks

Originally posted by rvitko ...

We have included as standard now kit 3000.244 which adapts the mounting kit to Oceanic and All Glass tanks quite well. We make an accesory kit 300.26 for all other options, we don't include it bacause the tanks taht need this kit are in the minority and it makes no sense to include article which will be thrown away and raise the cost.
I actually used the mounting hardware from the RIO1400's I was replacing and bolted the long Tunze bracket to the RIO part that clips over the top of the tank. Worked great. Kind of funny to be using RIO parts for Tunzes though :). This is on an AGA 120.

I went to Home Depot and bought the appropriate nylon screws (4 of them) in two inch lengths instead of the 1.5 inches (as supplied with the Streams) for a total cost of $0.71. I suggest those having problems do the same, it may seem like a pita after the money spent, however, the U.S.A. is a small market compared to the rest of the world and once you have the proper nylon screws the stream is easily mounted. Come to think of it , perhaps some of the vendors might offer the appropriate nylon screws to customers free of charge when they order a Stream as a promotion to buy from them.
Hmm, they come with long anodized stainless steel screws, we found nylon was not strong enough over the length we provide so since last Summer we have included a longer metal screw set in the box for OCeanic and AGA tanks.
Yes, you are right - the originals are a little heavier than nylon. However, the white nylon replacement ones I used are very strong and have no problem securing the Stream. Just an option for those who don't want to spend too much time customizing a mounting system.
This thread has resurfaced... I didn't see it when I wrote my "rant" thread.... but just more documented user issues. We should have to fuss to mount a $300 pump as we do with these.