My PJ's Pet Store Experience

Lev F.

New member
I was at yorkdale mall about two days ago, and I decided to visit the Pet Store (which I don't usually do for many reasons). Well, I was walking around the saltwater area, I saw that they had an octopus. It was about 5 inches in diameter, and was being kept in one of those small plastic salad containers within a 40 gallon tank. I don't know much about octopi, but I don't think a less-than-a-gallon plastic container makes an adequate holding container. And it didn't have any holes or rocks either, It was just, well, "there." PJ's has a reputation for doing this salad-container treatment on animals, because I guess they're too money concerned to waste a whole tank on one animal. They did this once to a 6 inch in diameter stingray, and he couldn't turn around, they did it to a mantis, and ect. In the 40 gallon tank itself were Upside-Down Jellyfish and small Horseshoe Crabs. I continued looking. Now, at PJ's, their display tanks are about 5 gallons. In one of these tanks are about 30 Ocellaris Clownfish, each priced at $40 a pop (nemo buisness is going good I guess) . In another, they have a 6-inch Sargassum trigger, and about 20 emerald crabs, and 4 Indigo Dottybacks,and in another, 3 6 inch long Anglers, they're practically sitting on each other. The other tanks are also rediculously stocked, up to 6 tangs in each one. I know it's only for a small time before the purchase, but they could possibly lower the amount of fish they order in one go so at least they have space... Anyway, They also have this 90 gallon or so display tank it the back, and it usually contains something rediculously expensive, such as one time, they had about 4 barracudas going for $600, another 4 Moorish idols for $200 each, and so on. Well, this time, there was a Trumpetfish ($300) and Some Black Clownfish (I couldn't discern the species, as the tank wasn't lit, and they were $70 a pop) I watched this tank for a while and it became apparent that the trumpet was slowly making a meal of of those clowns, one by one. I watched it suck up 2 clowns. Anyway, I wasn't very happy at this point, and decided to speak to the manager. I'm 14 by the way, and apparently PJ's Pets finds it utterly impossible that a 14-year old could keep a reef tank, or even attempt to. here's how the conversation went.
"Excuse me, Sir, Do you happen to know the species of octopus that you have right now"
"It's a saltwater octopus, kid, you can't keep it. And we have only one."
He didn't even maintain eye contact with me as he said this, and I think he was having a bad day.
Nevertheless, I continued.
"I am aware that it is a saltwater invertebrate, but what's the species?"
"I don't know"
He said this while he was looking at another customer, because apparently,14 year-olds can't keep marine invertebrates, and aren't worth talking to because they can't buy anything. The other customer asked, while pointing to a large Clown Knife Fish (which, by the way, was labelled "RARE Golden knife-Fish, $400)
He wasn't very nice to them either, I think he had an off day. Anyway, I then asked another employee.
"Do you happen to have Marine Angelfish Food?" I needed some because I ran out and my Regal likes it. He takes a can of Nutrafin Freshwater Flakes (with the picture of the F.W Angel on it), and says:
"They'll eat this"
"I highly doubt that, sir." I said. "I was reffering to S-A-L-T-W-A-T-E-R Angels. You know, like emperors and stuff."
"yeah, they'll eat this, it's what we feed ours"
I gave up. I just walked out of the store, informing the manager that I have better things to do than be treated like leftovers and lied to. Thank you for letting me vent, and I'm sorry if it was rather long, but I hoped I made one message clear. Avoid PJ's like the plaque. I'm not sure about other stores, but Yorkdale is clearly unprofessional in the way they treat their customers.
that sucks. it has been awhile since i was 14 but i know exactly what you mean. when i was a kid i used to breed bettas, corydoras, and manguenese chiclids. when i would go into a new store asking if they wanted some fry, you would think i was speaking in a different language. it was a pain to explain that yes i bred them myself and no nobody put me up to coming in to try and sell somebody else's fish! :)
PJ's looks good on the outside, but it's not the most ethical place. If you think what goes on in the fish room is bad, it's nothing compared to what's happening elsewhere in the store, believe me.

When I started thinking about switching over to SW, I decided to take on a part time job to support my hobby. I was at PJ's Yorkdale shopping, and ended up having a wonderful conversation with the manager (not the same guy that's managing the fish room now) and was quickly hired. The entire time I worked there was an uphill battle, trying to inform customers about how to keep their fish appropriately (you have NO idea how many people think 'Nemo' can live in a goldfish bowl). I was constantly in trouble for spending too much time educating customers and for refusing sales, but I couldn't sell someone a 5g tank and ten goldfish if I wanted to sleep well at night.

I quit a while ago because I was fed up with sales quotas (all the staff are on commission) and ignorant management. You think they were rude to you? Try working there. Let's just say the guy you spoke with (whether it was the fish dept. manager or the SW manager, it makes no difference) wasn't having a bad day, that's the way they speak to everyone, all the time.

Management are concerned with money first, animals second, and will do what it takes to make a profit. It sounds like it's gotten much worse since I left, the things you mentioned would have made me VERY angry when I was working there. I never saw them bring in horseshoe crabs or jellies, both awful choices, but I did see octos in tiny containers (and fumed about it) and that poor mantis (I think I was the only one feeding the poor thing and repeatedly asked them to give it somewhere to hide). Those display tanks are 12g each, BTW, not that it makes much difference -- 5g or 12g, it's still no place for a tang.

The staff have nothing to do with decisions about what livestock is brought in or how it's housed, and are closely monitored. Moving fish isn't allowed, so even if a staff member sees one fish eating another, if the SW manager isn't there, the most they can do is call him and ask if he wants anything done about it.

FWIW, I would have enjoyed talking to you if you'd come in when I was working. I met a few kids and teenagers who were more knowledgeable about reefing than I was, and was seriously impressed with their knowledge. Honestly, any customer who knew what they were talking about was a welcome change from the thousands of moronic mallrats I met every week.

I haven't set foot in that store since the day I quit. I don't resent anyone who works there, just the way the place is set up. Their system results in substandard pay, substandard animal husbandry, and frustrated staff (and that includes management). Angry staff have a hard time caring about the animals or offering high-quality customer service, but management at the top doesn't seem to grasp that everything -- good or bad -- eventually trickles down to the customer. The allmighty dollar is the only thing that matters to big chains, PJ's isn't alone in that, which is why I always recommend shopping at a 'mom & pop' shop whenever possible.
I deffinately know the "you're to young to know anything about saltwater" I'm 15 right now and started over two years ago, so i was just 13 at the time I started. There was one store I went to about a year ago, about the time i was setting up my 2nd tank. I asked the guy there a few questions and he was explaining things to me like a was a 2 year old and didn't seem to happy doing it. I've only been there a few other times and there costumer service is terrible to begin with, but at least there not cruel to there livestock, just there costumers.
I worked there in 1990 while going to uni. Sounds like same ol' same ol'.

PJ's=SuperPet and Hagen owns a significant % so they can have an outlet for their...uhm...product.
yeah i'm 19 and know right where you are, i hate how adults in certain areas are such uptight prude prics to us younger people i bought a car this winter and went to 5 dealerships and got treated like $*%! at 4 of them like i was a nobody and they didn't even come out and see me but the 5th dealership the man came out talked to me and the next day i bought a brand new cobalt from him, and they blame kids for being rude, were only showing the same respect we get
I am 15 and I completely agree. Us youg people get treated like $#!t, but thats just the way it is. I dont ask the LFS many questions. The otehr day I was in a petsmart by my house and they were telling someone that they could buy another oscar for their tank. But, the tank was 29 gallons, and he already had one in there. Now, Oscars are not saltwater, but they are BIG fish. About 14-16 inches isnt all taht common, but it isnt unheard of with Oscars. And they eat like pigs. Well, just goes to show you that big stores give BAD advice sometimes.
Wow, I am in Boston. This is the same Pj's Pet Center?? Not the best around.
Same PJ's in terms of the person that started the company/chain. He no longer has any control of the company.
I was in Yorkdale again a couple of days ago. Couldn't help going to PJ's. In the 40-50 Gallon tank, there were about 60 2-3 inch Seahorses. The only perch was this carousel-like thing made of smooth thin pipes.. But to add insult to injury, they were sharing their tank with 3 4 inch Saron Marmoratus shrimps. Now, if you know anything about these guys, they're predators. There were about 5 seahorse carcasses lying on the bottom of the tank. I've actually witnessed a Saron Shrimp grab a seahorse and tear it apart. It wasn't the most pleasant thing to witness... In fact, the Saron shrimp were going after everything in that tank, which includes a dottyback, some baby Perculas, and at one time, probably snails.

Then, in one of the 12 Gallon Displays, there was a Razorfish (along with a couple of tangs and damsels) From what I understand, these guys need a massive sand bed. The sand be in the tank was barely 1/2 of an inch. And the fish himself was 3/4 the length of the tank. It was apparent he was very stressed, as he was very, very pale.

Most of the other things were fine (except the stocking of the displays, which I mentioned in my first post) But, there was this French Angelfish, see, it was one quarter of an inch long. It was as it was still a planktonic larva. It was very seriously thin. From what I understand, Isn't it not legal to import French Angels of that size?

This has made me even more angry with this store in particular.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7918731#post7918731 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tacomareefer
Wow. That sounds like one pathetic store. Hopefully they go out of bussiness.

I doubt that, they have been there for over 20 years. When i was a kid i made my dad let me go in there any time we were at yorkdale.
If it makes ya'll feel any better I'm 38 and get treated the same way at car dealerships and LFS usually. There is usually 1 person in each of the 3 LFS I go to that treats me great but other than that not so much.
I buy my equipment from a Superpets 45 minutes away in Peoria Illinois, and everything there is great. Massive tanks for the fish in need, and they don't over stock. I just got started, and all the employees each explained parts to me that i didn't understand, and were extremely helpful. This place is great, unlike the other fish stores. i.e. petco, petsmart, etc.
I've never been to a Superpet. :D I'm not saying anything about other PJ's or Superpet stores. There are different stores and different people. Like some Petcos are O.k, and some are bad.