My Poor Harelquin Tusk


New member
Hey, RC. I'm back again. The mean bird wrasse was put on time out while we re-arranged the rock in the tank and he was over being a bully when we allowed him to go back home.

My harelquin tusk is acting very peculiar now. It's a 75gal tank (getting a 190 gal. soon! Our fish aren't full grown yet) and all of my parameters are fine- 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, nitrates 5.0 (PWC due this weekend). 8.2 pH. Alkalinity is 12. He swims for a few minutes, then hides in the corner under a plant. We got him a week ago from an LFS. He's about 4 1/2". I had them feed him before I bought him- he attacked some ghost shrimp like a champ. Did a 45 min drip acclimate and put him in a dark tank. Kept lights off all day. Tried to feed him ghost shrimp the next morning, he only ate 1. He hasn't eaten anything in a week! The LFS associate said they were feeding him mysis and brine, too. I made sure he was eating frozen stuff b4 I bought him cause that's what we feed everyone in the tank.

So I got worried. I stopped into LFS and got ghost shrimp and brine. I startled him out of his corner and put the ghosties in. He ate one! Only one. Then he started making this horrible face! (See the photo). I've seen my other fish "yawn" once in a while, but he is just hanging out with his mouth open like this and he's breathing hard! What's going on with him??? Is he hiding because he's still acclamating? Is it normal for him to not swim? He rarely comes out! No white spots, his eyes are clear.

Any info you can give will help!


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All I can think of , is he got a barb stuck in his mouth and he'll have to work it out.... but I have worked two ...14 hour days ..hopefully someone will chime in with more information for you.
Awwww! You're awesome!

Awwww! You're awesome!

Thank you for putting my mind at rest! It happened just after he ate a ghost shrimp! Thank you for your dedication after a hell-aciously long 2 days! I LOVE my fishy babies and I appreciate you!! Thanks again!