My proudest accomplishment to date


New member
I started keeping reefs about 2 years ago fell for SPS quickily. Got my 75g set up. Strong lighting, good skimmer, great flow, and for about 7 months one thing after another went wrong. RO under perfromed coral died. Skimmer pump died, coral died. Kent Float valve stopped floating dumped 4g of freshwater and kalk in my tank while I was at work, coral died. Coral Beauty turned into a snail killer and some 60 snails turned into algae food. When I wasn't killing coral FedEx was doing it in my name. Had a "storm" in Memphis that delay my $400 in coral for 4 days.:mad2: Funny got on here no one else from the same time period got anything delayed. A member from memphis even said the weather was fine.

Anyway a few brave SPS managed to stay with me. Here is a pic of my A. robusta that I have had for 7 months now. When I got it it was brown with purple tips. It went totally brown and started to have algae over grow it.

My bastard green hair algae the bane of my existance. In spite of upgrading EVERYTHING, keeping a low fish load and barely feeding I could not get rid of my algae. I watched it slowly overrun my robusta. I was sure it was a goner. Here is my 75g shortily before I started to tear it down.

Nasty green stuff!

Cooked 3/4 of my rock(thanks seant were ever you are) upgraded to a 150G and went BB. I am vacuuming detritus every other day. Same skimmer same lights, no cash left. Now 3 weeks into the new tank check out what happened to the robusta.

The hair algae is COMPLETELY gone, the polyps are out, and even at this point with underpowered lights the purple tips are coming back. This isn't meant to be a BB v DSB thread and the fact that I had a couple pounds of snail meat rot in my 75G can be discounted. I am just glad things are finally going right and I am finally doing right by my sps.
If anyone asks for bulletproof SPS that is my suggestion. Nothing bothered that and it doubled in size while I was killing everything else.

Now if I can just talk my new Tang into eating that calerpa I will be set.
Congratulations on making it through all that and coming out the other end without giving up.

A year from now you will look back at all this and laugh while looking at your SPS garden and trying to figure out which branch to cut to give your colonies some room!

Nice comeback, and good luck on your continued success,