My "Puurrydies" (Zoo Colonys)


New member
hey you guys.. .. WAIT, let me say this first, I AM NOT SELLING, OR BUYING IN THIS THREAD... so please dont move me again! lol


so I got some pictures of my babys
just for you all to see

Feel free to post some of yours

oh, And I do Also have what I believe to be a blue/purple colony frag that is recooping ATM.... but anyway.. here are some of my frags.

My Yellow Colony

My Multi colony... I think these WILL REALLY COLOR UP when they get adjusted.. they have been under the least than perfect lighting conditions... I believe they will do some very nice coloring up... and I will update when they do!

Here is 3 frags... the one twards the top is really awsome... its a brown skirt/base with neon MINT GREEN in the center ... and the most awsome part, is that mint green is shaped like a 5 to 6 point star in each polyp!

A fire and Ice colony that is really promiseing!

A group picture of most...

Sorry for the bad picture quality and blurryness ... but tell me what you think!
THX, I just wish I could take better picture to show you guys how awsome they really are!

its hard to take pictures that close up

I need a better CAMERA! haha
Those ones in the second photo you talk about colouring up will indeed turn out to be beautifull.
I have some in my tank and they are my favs.

Here's a pic taken with a flash;

Here's one taken under my 20k m/h

Good luck


I have already started to see them color a bit!

also, I have added 2 65watt duel daylight PC's to my canopy pointed at a 45* angle from the back down...

Duel Daylight is a compact mainly for freshwater use... its half 6500K and half 10,000K...

I have 4 110W VHOS 2 actinic and 2 50/50's that are on from 10am to 10pm... and I have these PC's comming on from 3pm to 5pm for simulated noon effect...

hopefully this will speed up the growth of the zoos, and other corals!

what do you guys think?