My reef tank (not the living color tank)


In Memoriam
This is my baby. The living color tank is for my wife this is my 150 gallon custom tank have had it for about 2 years now working on my 125 long sps tank which is not ready yet will post pics of my sps tank when its ready.Artificial reefs arent my thing either but you have to keep an open mind in my opinion and i just didnt want the same old fowlr tank wanted to do something new and my wife loves it and hopefully gets into the hobby and gets off my back a little when i buy new corals LOL!



Very nice mixed reef tank! I want to see the SPS :)

Is that a giant clam in the bottom left corner? Ballin'.

You don't see spraybars much anymore either. I like it tho. Very ncie corals....
oops sorry reefwreck didnt read your post correctly yes its a giant clam and beleive it or not i got it at amazing aquariums they didnt want to sell it they had it in their huge display tank but after about a week of harrasment they gave in.
behind the tank is a closet ill post pictures the only problem i have with that is that that room gets really hot ill post pictures of the back today
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11518669#post11518669 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fish2reef
Beautiful tank, great job on the trim work a lot of build in tanks miss that detail.

ditto, a living wall.
Nice looking tank!!! I like th look of in-wall aquariums. Please post some shots of the equipment on the other side.