My Reef Tank


New member
55 Gallon Tank
48 inch 2x250W metal halide with 4x65W Actinic PC's
70 lbs of Live rock
Up and running for 10 months

not to many corals right now but will be getting more pictures over the next few days
i just have a cheap point and shot camera till i can get a nice camera for taking pics of fish and tanks. Thanks for the tip though ill remember that one!
Nice job on your aquascaping!!!! looks really good.... hey I noticed you have some red slime algae (cyano bacteria)..... there's a great product made by blue vet called red slime remover. it works fast adt does a great job. I've used it several times through out the years and it has NEVER bothered and of my fish,corals,clams,shrimp, ect........ just thought I'd mention to you...... look forward to more pics.
Ya been battling the red slime for months now. trying to naturally get rid of it and so far im winning. If not ill look into that product. Thanks for the mention.