My Room

I've had my 48x18 stand for 5 years and thier is a little rust only becuse I tried to fit a 55gl under that instead of a 40gl and water went everywhere...
Very nice. I only wish I had that many. I have enough trouble setting up my 50 and wow this hobby is expencive. I saw you guys talking about the power bill. How much does one tank usually change the cost of your bill?
don't spend very much time at all actually. once a month I do a water change and filter cleaning of my salt tanks and fw water is changed every week. I feed for about 1.5 a day except Friday which they don't unless I'm caring for something delicate. The electric bill is like $200 a month
This is the only pic I could get man not a photogenic fish sorry my pics are blurry I suck at using cameras
Thanks for posting the pic nice looking eel. My Zebra is not verry photogenic either as soon as he sees the camra he's gone.
Nice tanks Carson! :D

To alot of people, that many tanks can seem overwhelming maintance wise, but I know from experience that sometimes looks can be deceiving. At one point I had 9 tanks myself, and I enjoyed messing with the tanks so much it never bothered me to clean them. Nowadays, I don't have the time for that many tanks (although the desire to HAVE them is still there), my 3 keep me plenty busy. I can tell Carson, that you must feel the same way about cleaning them as they all look sooooo nice! :D

I like the indoor pond, what do you keep in there?
Carson, You need to charge admission to visit your bedroom! Maybe that will help with that $200 E-Bill! Great Set ups! My friends think I am on my way to 15+ tanks too!! But I am currently content with my 5 tanks... although, I want a BIG 150+ when I move into a house!
Well, I thought I Would share my tanks with You, Maybe one day, more time and more room, and more money, I will aspire to be up on your level Carson!

My 55 gal (from 9 months ago, I need to get an updated pic, a lot has changed!)


My 30 Gal, I dont have a fullsized pic online, but here are my two most recent casualties...Nasty Nate and The Squirrel Master, RIP (filter failed while out of town...) I have just currently OCTO-PROOFED this tank, and am waiting for an aquacultured Bimac (ordered, but waiting... [octo owners know what im talking about!])

My 26 Gallon Mantis (Peacock)/Clown (Misbarred Allardi) Tank



My 20 Gallon Long Brackish/Coastal Tank:

My 5 gal Mantis (Wennerae)/Firefish Tank:

sweet stuff rwhhunt love the mantis tanks also where did you get your pices of banical that are in your 30gl

techigirl78- yes my room is gets very warm if I keep the door shut during the day

55gSW- In the pond I have an arawanna, paroon shark and sea perch