my shrooms in my 29 gallon


New member
well my tank has been running for 7 months now and its a 29 gallon DT with a 10 gallon sump, this is my first saltwater tank and first reef.

here are the pics.

heres a rock of green mushrooms (not sure their name)


and heres my green striped mushroom (i think), its been on the run lately for some reason, it was on the sand in between two rocks and would open huge but now its been moving alot. here it is on the sand bed

and heres one of my ricordias
Beautiful critters.

What kind, and how much lighting is on this tank? This may be the cause for your green-stripe's wandering around (he/she may be unhappy about something). Although the mushrooms in your other photos can tolerate higher lighting, your green-stripe may be getting too much light???

Another thing to consider would be the amount of flow/current. These critters don't care for too much current.

for lighting i have a 2 bulb T5 fixture, it is a 29 gallon tank, and for flow i have 2 koralia 1s.

i had moved that green one to one of the shadiest spots in my tank but it moved from there, so i think i may let him roam the tank until its happy i guess.
haha, thanks! that little guy loves hanging around that rock of shrooms, i appreciate the comment, i used to say the same when i saw other tanks cause i went through a few months of nastyness and now it has been looking great.

all i can say is be patient and things will turn out for the better and you will enjoy your tank more.
i just noticed that my green shroom has another polyp comming out the side of it, could that be why its been on the run?

Mushrooms will indeed "jump" sometimes when things become crowded. I am not sure if their doing so is a stress response, a natural reproductive strategy, or both (Perhaps I will ask some of my mushrooms when they jump. Odds of their answering...0.). I don't think one offspring and a "momma" qualifies as "crowded." Thus, my suspicion is that your buddy is/was having some other sort of stress.

These guys/gals are pretty hardy, so hopefully whatever it is/was has worked itself out in your "newish" tank. If momma is making babies, I guess she must not be too stressed at this point, no?
Mushrooms will indeed "jump" sometimes when things become crowded. I am not sure if their doing so is a stress response, a natural reproductive strategy, or both (Perhaps I will ask some of my mushrooms when they jump. Odds of their answering...0.). I don't think one offspring and a "momma" qualifies as "crowded." Thus, my suspicion is that your buddy is/was having some other sort of stress.

These guys/gals are pretty hardy, so hopefully whatever it is/was has worked itself out in your "newish" tank. If momma is making babies, I guess she must not be too stressed at this point, no?

i dont see why that would be the only stressed one though because that one rock of shrooms is blooming left and right and some are spreading onto other rocks, my ricordias are getting bigger as well, my xenia is multiplying and so are my zoas/palys and the shroom on the run lol im thinking about putting it into a cup with a piece of rock or something in the tank so it can attach itself
Thanks for the replies!

the green striped mushroom has kind of settled where it wants, and the baby coming out of it is getting bigger!