My SPS Display


New member
Here's what it looks like now...

Here's my 29g...

My Multibar Angel is enjoying nibbling on my acro's. And I'm just holding on to those softies for a friend... haha.
If you're curious, I'm going back to bare bottom. I was planning on keeping a Macropharyngodon bipartitus and a M. meleagris, but I've decided against it.

The Copperband Butterflyfish will be the only fish for a while. I've got a female Solar Fairy Wrasse and an orange and black A. occellaris pair (one orange, one black) that I'm looking to sell or trade if anyone is interested.
looks great. Ive toyed with the idea of going BB in the past. I just have a soft spot for sand, but I think a bare bottom would be fun to try, just to see how clean I could keep the tank. I'm OCD about a clean tank....ha
looks great. Ive toyed with the idea of going BB in the past. I just have a soft spot for sand, but I think a bare bottom would be fun to try, just to see how clean I could keep the tank. I'm OCD about a clean tank....ha

Thanks. I don't really like the look of BB but I like the benefits.