my SPS montiporas went white after dosing aminoacids


Hi, I was using aminoacids one night and I dosed them about 8 PM so I turned off my skimmer until next day to void overflowing my skimmer then the next day my montiporas when white?

What was wrong with this aminoacids?
That's weird, what did you dose? I dump a week's worth of aminos into my tank daily and montis do great...
I thought the same but after using it twice (same steps) my montiporas went white, in other words the first time I tried it my montiporas loose color specially my green ones, then the second time I added aminoacids about a week later it went totally white, so that's why I didn't know what bleached my corals but after two times I got the conclusion that was due to aminoacids, I haven't used aminoacids in a while since the bleaching and now they are slowly recovering.
Aminos usually darken coral, not lighten them up.

What you are dosing is not just aminos. If I had to guess, it would be the copper and the manganese that is lightening up the coral

how much did you dose and what is your tank volume? Are you dosing anything else?
My tank is a ~20 gallon tank (24 inches long, 16 inches height, 11 inches depth + 4 inches sump / refugium at the back )

I was also dosing Phytoplanton but just tiny parts about 25 ml or even less but if my mind didn't cheat on me the last time I just added aminoacids alone.

The dosage of the aminoacids were one full cap or less according to seachem instructions.
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That has lots of other stuff in it besides aminos. My guess is something else is causing you grief. Get "acro power " if you want just aminos

Right now after this catastrophic event I'm thinking again about using aminoacids, probably I'm not gonna use them again ever but I was wondering why this happened to my tank.
I did the same thing as you but with Brightwell Coral Amino about 7 years ago and it browned out almost everything in my tank in about 1-2 days. Took over a month for things to regain their colors. Bleaching (which is usually a sign of stress) seems odd for just a minor overdose of aminos.
Right now after this catastrophic event I'm thinking again about using aminoacids, probably I'm not gonna use them again ever but I was wondering why this happened to my tank.

What you're overlooking is the product you were using wasn't amino acids, it just among a ton of other things also contains a small amount of amino acids. Some of those other things bleached your corals because dosing things you can't test for is usually not a good plan and now you've learned why that is. Your catastrophic event had 0.000% to do with amino acids.
What you're overlooking is the product you were using wasn't amino acids, it just among a ton of other things also contains a small amount of amino acids. Some of those other things bleached your corals because dosing things you can't test for is usually not a good plan and now you've learned why that is. Your catastrophic event had 0.000% to do with amino acids.

So why they added those other things?

The problem is I don't know what of the other things did the bleaching so for now at least I won't be using this product again.
I wouldn't dose that product again. Unless you run an ultra low nutrient system with 0 No3 and 0 Po4 you probably lay won't benefit from aminos anyway.
I wouldn't dose that product again. Unless you run an ultra low nutrient system with 0 No3 and 0 Po4 you probably lay won't benefit from aminos anyway.

I got 0 nitrates and 0 phosphates, if I add food then the phosphates appear depending on the amount of food added but just a few hours later I got no phosphates again.
After months of fighting with my bleached corals I've found why seachem bleached mines, the reason was that I had dinoflagellates so when adding Seachem Reef Plus the dinos where consuming the product instead of the corals.

With the combination of 0.00 nitrates (yes salifert doesn't even tints a little bit the water) and the presence of dinos it bleached instead of feeding the corals.
I'm not sure it works that way, but good to hear your bleached corals are recovering. Hopefully you got rid of those dinos, almost quit the hobby when I had those :/
Yeah I'm trying to win this battle, is not easy, I've been in this fight for about 4/5 months and just recently discover that the problem was due to the dinos.

My montiporas are slowly recovering but my acros and birdnest are not. so I hope I can recover them as well.