My SPS Reef - Take 2

Patrick Cox

Active member
Hello All, :wavehand:
I have been in the hobby since 2010 and in that time I have had 2 saltwater aquariums. I started out with a 65G Deep Blue Mixed Reef that I ran for two years fairly successfully. I then got the itch for a new tank and I also wanted to try more SPS corals; so I started a 75G aquarium and have kept that tank running for about 3 years. I have had my struggles with this tank and especially with SPS. I have lost quite a few corals and I hope to learn from some of the mistakes I made on this tank.

Now in 2016 I am ready for a reset so I am starting a new 100G tank that I hope I can grow into a thriving SPS focused tank! So, here are pictures of my last two tanks and then on with the new...

My first tank. 65G Deep Blue:

75G Miracles Aquarium: (From Nov, 2015)

New Build Summary:
This tank is intended to be a primarily SPS tank but I will have some LPS as well. I am also considering an anemone for my clownfish but have not finalized that decision.

I am starting this tank with all new fresh Live Rock and new sand. This is a significant difference between how I am starting this tank vs how I started my 75G SPS tank. My prior tank was started with Dry Pukani rock and I think this contributed so some of the problems I had. I don't think I ever really got to a biologically diverse ecosystem where corals would thrive. And I am hoping that the Tampa Bay Saltwater rock that I am starting with will address that problem.

I will transfer most of my fish and about half of the corals from the 75 to the new tank.

Finally, this tank will start out as a Zeovit tank. This will be the first time I have tried Zeovit.

So, here is my equipment list...

Aquarium and Stand
  • Planet Aquariums 100G Rimless Aquarium - 48x24x20, Starphire on 3 sides
  • Synergy Reef Overflow Box
  • Coastal Aquarium Design Stand with Drip Tray and doors on 3 sides
  • Electrical Panel in Stand. (Added by me.)
Sump & Skimmer
  • Lifereef Custom sump
  • Lifereef Skimmer with Mazzei Venturi and Sicce Syncra 5 pump

  • ATI 36" LED Powermodule (This is from my current tank and if it ends up not delivering enough light I will look at 48" fixtures.)
  • 2 - MP40QD circulation pumps with Battery Backup
  • Sicce Syncra 4 return pump
  • Avast Marine Vibe Zeovit Reactor
  • Apex Controller
  • BRS 1ml Dosing Pumps for 2-part
  • Tunze Osmolator ATO

Rock and Sand
  • Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock - Walt Smith 2.1. Starting with 50 lbs but may add just a bit more.
  • Tropic Eden Reefflfakes Aragonite Dry Sand - ~50 lbs
Initial Stocking Plan (in Order)
  • One Spot Foxface
  • Yellow Assessor (from current tank)
  • Possum Wrasse (from current tank)
  • Mated Percula Clownfish Pair (from current tank)
  • Potters Angel
  • Kole or Bristletooth Tang

I don't really have a specific plan yet on corals but my intent is to focus on SPS with a few LPS mixed in.

Pictures to come in upcoming posts...
I am still in the process of setting up the tank so these are work in progress pictures....

Filling the tank with water
I started running my RODI unit to fill the tank and after 4 hours I realized it was going to take a week to fill the tank!! I think I need to replace my RO Membrane! Anyway, I ended up buying some RODI water locally to finish the job.

Sump Area

On the left in this picture you can see the electrical panel I am installing into the stand. I will show more of this once it is finished. I also installed a mounting strip in the back right of the stand for my dosing pumps. ATO container will sit in front of the return pump.


I may end up putting a ball valve on the short return pipe but will wait and see.

Sump and Skimmer

Mazzei Venturi on the Skimmer

Live Rock
50 lbs of Walt Smith 2.1 Live Rock from Tampa Bay Saltwater. Service was great and I love the rock. I put the rock in the tank and left it without sand for a few days so I could hunt down any unwanted hitchhikers. I think I got all of the large crabs. Not sure if there are anymore hiding or not. I think I also have a pistol shrimp as I am hearing a clicking sound every now and then.


Here is my initial scape. It was actually pretty easy to create with this rock. I may end up adding another one or two pieces but I am pretty happy with it at this point. I intend to leave plenty of room for flow and happy fish and coral growth!

Any thoughts on this aquascape? Would you add any more rock to either side? I was thinking about maybe another piece or two on the left side.

And the light is temporary until I shut down my other tank that is holding my fish and corals.


Another change I am making on this tank is to place the MP40s more forward on the tank to better avoid a direct flow from the powerbeads straight into corals. I think this has been one of my issues in the past.



So, that's all for now. I will have the sand bed in and hopefully electrical panel finished for my next update. Thanks for stopping by and let me know if you have questions!
Thanks for all of the comments so far. I added the sandbed yesterday. Picture below. I also added LED lights for inside the stand but will show pictures of that once the sump area and electrical compartment are cleaned up.

Looks great. Very similar to my new tank. I was also considering TBS rock and sand.

I highly recommend TBS. I did not buy sand from him because Zeovit recommends Dry Sand. But the rock is awesome! And great service as well!

Great set up thus far! Where did you find a stand that has that many doors? Love the ability to get into the sump with that much space.

I ordered both my tank and stand through my LFS. But DFW is the Distributor who handles the orders and the tank is made my Planet Aquariums and the Stand is made by "Coastal Aquarium Design." If you google them you can find their catalog. I had to request the extra doors on both sides and I am glad I did. That is what allowed me to install the electrical section.

Following along! Great start and I love the lifereef sump and skimmer.

Yes, I am excited to see how the Lifereef skimmer performs. I am just now starting to get some foam after adding the sandbed.

Latest FTS with new Sandbed added.
(Again, the sand is "Tropic Eden Reefflakes Aragonite Sand.")


Also, here are some close up shots of the TBS Live Rock.
Again, it is the Walt Smith 2.1 Rock. I believe it is a mad made rock that Tampa Bay Saltwater cures in the Bay.





Nice start. The 120 I have now I started with all dry rock, never will again. I' do believe live rock is the way to go. You rock is really nice and I have been thinking about ordering from them and slowly changing some of my rock out.

I think you will be pleased with the skimmer, I love mine. Makes no noise and I have never had the venturi clod up and is pretty much set and leave alone.
Just a quick update...

Today I added about 15 pounds of additional Live Rock. I am pretty happy now with my aquascape so I do not anticipate adding any more rock. I am on Day 12 of my Zeovit Cycle and next week I hope to move my ATI fixture over to this tank along with a few fish and corals from the old tank. I can't wait to get going with that!

I also can't say enough good things about Tampa Bay Saltwater. The live rock and the service are fantastic. Over the pat 12 days my new ammonia test kit has continued to test zero. And the life on this rock is amazing. I feel like I am getting a great start to a healthy tank.

So until next week...



