My SPS Reef - Take 2

Hi Patrick,

Just read through your thread, and wanted to say great job. I just restarted my 150 gallon (that had been running for almost three years) using 150 pounds of TBS rock and live sand. I basically echo what 99% of those that have used this rock have said: amazing rock that is full of life, and starts the tank off on the right foot. Even though I pulled out quite a few of the "bad" crabs before putting the rock into the tank, notice quite a few more when I look around the tank using a flashlight once lights have gone more work ahead - but ultimately will be worth it, I think.

Also, getting ready to order a Lifereef skimmer for my tank to try out. Have a really expensive needlewheel skimmer that just hasn't ever really performed at the level I expected, so want to give something else a try to compare. Interested in your thoughts on this skimmer, and how it compares against other skimmers you have used?

Finally, I have run Zeovit twice, and had the exact same issue you noted several posts ago. Thought what I made was a MINOR adjustment to the flow through my reactor to move nutrients down just a bit, and killed half of my corals. Honestly, with this reboot of my tank, I am really relying on the TBS rock, and sand to provide as much of my filtration as possible, along with a good skimmer (which is why I am trying out the Lifereef), and GFO/GAC as well. No doubt that Zeovit works, but just seemed so touchy for me (only my personal experience), as I ended up wiping out my tank several times making small adjustments. When I removed my Zeovit equipment last time I basically told myself that until they come up with a way to monitor the amount of water going through the reactor (keeping in mind that I always used the measuring cup and stop watch technique 4-5 times with each adjustment to calculate my reactor flow), I just didn't think I was experienced enough in the hobby to run that kind of system. Of course, no sooner did I take my Zeovit stuff down that Apex announces their new Fluid Monitoring Module that should be able to do exactly that!

Anyway, again, great job. Definitely will be following along.

I think there should be a law that us reefers have to wait 1 yr before trying acropora.:lol: I'm currently adding acropora to my tank to see how things respond after 1 yr and things look promising.
Well, it have been a while since I have given an update so I thought I would today. My tank has been in transition over the past 5 months or so and I feel like I am now on a good path. I finally figured out what was fueling the algae growth. It was die off of the sponges and tunicates from my live rock. Here is a an early picture of a rock that had lots of life on it that died off and this rock had the most algae...


But over the past 5 months, I have added two good algae eaters and I have stopped using the Zeovit reactor. I am still using a few Zeovit additives but other than that I am just running my skimmer. All corals are finally starting to grow and color up. Thanks for your support.





Nice pe and the beginnings of good solid growth. Very nice.
Things should really take off now.
Good to see!
Well, it has been 2 months since my last update so I thought I would give another one. Colors keep improving and I am getting some reasonable growth. Since I stopped trying to run ULNS I am in the process of switching to a salt with a bit higher Alk. Everything seems to be going fine with the gradual switch. Tank is approaching 1 year!

Also, I am thinking about removing one of the frogspawn and then moving the Red Goniopora opposite the remaining frogspawn. Any thoughts on this? I would appreciate suggestions.

Thanks for following!










I've been slowly rearranging my LPS so I can stuff in more fuzzy sticks. There's always more room for fuzzy sticks I keep telling myself. :lol:

5th picture down. If you ever get tired of that pink Acro I'll take if off your hands. :)
Looks good! Nice work! You mentioned you may remove some frogspawn, personally I would, or at least not let it get much bigger - frag is as it grows. But each person has their own opinion of what looks good, that's the beauty of this hobby!

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Here is an update with one of the Frogspawn removed and then I moved the remaining one in behind the rock. I think this looks better. Agree?

I will need to decide if I want to keep this one long term. My clownfish do enjoy it so I probably will. I may cut it back though.
