My tank looks blue….


Premium Member
What other yellow SPS are out there besides the Yellow Tort? Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m looking for adding more yellows to balance out the overall coloration of my reef display. Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m a bit heavy on purples, blues and greens.
You can get Fire coral too, Millepora sp.

It's cool if you isolate it.

Also, Yellow Sarcophton Elegans leathers come from a high light, high flow environment and would do good in an sps environment.

Orange cap would balance your blue-ended spectrum. Stylophora pistillata (vivid pink). Some pocilloporas. Acropora digitata, vivid pink orange, grows fast.
Well...of coarse I nitice this cause I'm an artist. lol The opposite of blue on the color wheel is a nice orange monti cap would look good...and yeah...anything red family or yellow would work too.
Yellow Millepora.
